Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our 4th: Simple and Good

We spent our 4th of July in the most conventional of ways.

We did some of this:
Lots of this:
Enjoyed these:
Had a few arguments over this:
Continued the arguments here:
Cozied around this:
And oohed and awed at these:
A good holiday indeed.  Thanks, America!


Laura ~Peach~ said...

WHEW I FOUND YOU! and saved your new address to my blog roll... I hope you find this easy to use and that is does all you want it to.
Hugs Laura

Anonymous said...

response to the comment you left me...I am not so sure there will ever be peace or much of a relationship there. but that LONG story will come out in time. Its a couple more years before we meet them but I felt the need to attempt to get her out of lurking as she is a part of the story and I know she haunts my blog...anyway have a great sunday!
HUGs Laura