Monday, March 23, 2009


We can't believe we did it, but... we had our dog's DNA tested to determine just what she is.

It appears that she is:

Over 75% Labrador Retriever (you WERE right after all, Humane Society!)

10-19% Dalmatian:
And up to 10% Beagle:

I do believe that equals 100% Pepper:


Mental P Mama said...

How cute is she? I think our Dora is part person--so no DNA testing for us!

mom x 2 said...

Pepper is adorable!! Hopefully the 10% beagle is not the barking part. Sunshine is a Puggle, part beagle part pug and I'm fairly certain the only part of the beagle she got was the sniffer and the barker. I have to say though, I'm with Mama, I'm pretty sure Sunshine is part person too.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

100% unconditional love!

Unknown said...

After I read this and looked at Pepper's photo...I can see all three breeds...that is sooooo cool.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Pepper is really cute...I can't believe you had to pay for that info. I could have told ya' for free. :0

Anonymous said...

And if she came up part tabby cat or hamster, were you sending her back? She is adorable, no matter the mix. ~Mary

Ashley said...

Haha! Wow!!! I didn't know you could do this. How is Pepper handling her new found identity? Hehe!

Debbie said...

You didn't? Ceasar Milan would be thrilled you made this effort LOL...

Your dog is adorable!! I love the beagle photo too :)

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Who knew you could do that with a dog!

Anonymous said...

Would you recommend the company you used for DNA testing?


Jeannelle said...

I can see the Lab and the Beagle in her, but where is the Dalmation??!