Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday's Trivia: Things Are Getting Hairy!

Because you've been wondering,

Because you're the curious sort,

Because it's Tuesday,

Because I have nothing else to post:

It's time for ...

Here we go with a nod to http://www.blurtit.com/!

1. The total number of potential beard hairs on a man's face is said to average around 30,000.

2. Beards grow about 5 inches a year.

3. Men without beards spend about 800-3000 hours of their lives shaving (10-15 hours a year)

4. Caution and Checkered's boys still swear by shaving with cake frosting. Says it leaves their skin soft and smooth.

And now your Tuesday is better for this knowledge.


LadyFi said...

Thanks for that hair-raising trivia! I feel so much better for knowing all this...;-)

Mental P Mama said...

I feel like I've sprouted just about 30,000 hairs on my chin alone these past few years.

I Am Woody said...

When I was a kid, I always wanted to be like my Dad and put shaving cream on my face. Now? Not so much.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You must be a mind reader, because this is just what I was wondering this morning during my shave.

Unknown said...

hair removal has become a daily event around here...and I live alone.

betty said...

very interesting trivia; makes me glad I'm a lady :)


Unknown said...

Mother nature must have had a sense of humor when she came up with that pay back. I want to know how many facial lacerations occur when men hold sharp objects against their face.

Pearl said...

Too true! I keep my skin soft and smooth with vast amounts of frosting as well, but taken internally!


Reddirt Woman said...

Just hope they don't lick the razor...


Lawyer Mom said...

I better not tell Mr. M about the frosting tip. He'll want to start shaving tomorrow.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

OH my gosh I love that shaving cream! How adorable, and even better how much fun to take it all off.

But for the record, I have 40,598 hairs on my beard, so I win.

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

We have TWO of those chairs so I suppose you could have one!! But NOT THE WIENERS!!

Hallie :)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I have achin hair issue too!
You are a nut!