Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Commuting with my Girl

6:36 am and we're late. She tells me as we fly through the neighborhood that her throat is raw and she might throw up. I glance her way and lovingly say, "But you can't get sick; your ortho appointments have taken all your absences."

With one eye on teen-agers dressed entirely in black and walking down the middle of the darkened street and the other eye on the bus that might already be at the stop and a third eye checking to see if her prophecy of throwing up has been fulfilled, I add, "Besides that, I have a mammogram today so I won't be home most of the morning."

"A what?" she begins, "Oh... ewwww. Why do you always have to talk about stuff like that?! It's 6.30 in the morning. You're sick!" And the car door slams shut.

Pondering her question during my drive back home, I decide that I "always have to talk about stuff like that" because:

I am a woman
I am of a certain age
I enjoy her reaction.

Now, the decision is what to discuss tomorrow morning. Gyn visits or colonoscopies?


Jan said...

Love it! My youngest child is 39 and when she sees me walk into a crowd you can just tell she is thinking, "Oh GAWD....please don't embarrass me." So of course that means it has to be done.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i LOVE embarrasing my kids... absolutely gyn visits!!!

Decadent Housewife said...

C'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

Visiting from SITS - that is hilarious. I do the same thing with my kiddos.

Good luck on your appointment. I'm hoping by the time I have to get that done it will be common practice to use the coil test instead of the smoosh test.

T said...

Oh that's a hands down in my book - gyno!

My girl just dies whenever I start those up. LOVE it!

Not Everyones Mama said...

Gyn visits all the way. LOL My son is just starting to get to that age, but my girls aren't easily embarrassed yet. Oh the joy to come. LOL Hope she's feeling ok!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

That is too darn funny!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I dont have a daughter but that is funny!

Menopausal New Mom said...

That is a riot! Yes, the fun it is to embarrass the kids. My mom was a pro at this and a very good teacher!

PS: Thanks for stopping by my blog today, by the way, I have a giveaway going on right now for a pair of vintage diamond and amethyst earrings, if you want to enter, just follow my blog and leave a comment on that post, the draw is this Sunday!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so sick!!!!
I do hope she feels better. I just have to mntion colon health to my kids and I get all the ewwwwssss and gross!! I suppose I COULD not mention this at dinnertime anymore?

Mental P Mama said...

Oh the gyn. Absolutely. Did she throw up?

Lucy and Ethel said...

She's probably hurling just thinking about what you might discuss in front of a B-O-Y.

Heh, heh :)


LadyFi said...

Mowhahaha! Why not talk about both?

Nancy C said...

How about your birth control options? If I heard about my mother's IUD, I would absolutely DIE!

(I'm not making any assumptions about your birth control, the IUD is just an example).

joanne said...

my vote is the it!

I Am Woody said...

Gyno. Definitely the gyno.

betty said...

LOL! bet she's counting down the days she can drive herself or graduate and move out??
