Monday, March 22, 2010

The Champion of Geeks

My daughter is crazy for a boy who is a jerk. He's smart and funny and irreverent. He's also mean, unpredictable, and unloyal. She denies that he is of any interest to her, but that's what friends and brothers are for: to tell the mom everything she needs to know.

Recently, my daughter spent several hours in the company of some very different boys. They are well-controlled, intellectual in nature, polite and even kind to everyone they encounter. They have earned a reputation as good and dependable workers. But they're also a little Dugger-esque without the multiple babies or the long-haired sisters.

Because I never, ever meddle, I told my daughter she should maybe take an interest in that second group of boys. I am certain they would treat her with kindness and be honorable. Their lack of a sense of humor notwithstanding, they would be fine date material.

"No way!! I would never date a geek. I'm not like you!"

And so she laughed and her FATHER aka Checkered Whom I Used to Love, laughed, too.

"Oh, your mom sure did like to date geeks!" Hahahahahahaha!!

"I know! Have you seen the pictures with all those guys and their enormous glasses!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I felt it necessary to point out that most of the geeks were now enjoying very successful mid-lives, thank you very much, and they never treated me with anything but respect, AND I had fun dating most all of them.

But I've been thinking about you, Mr. Checkered. You were certainly cool in high school. And you were certainly cool for a while after that, but the minute you went back to school and fretted if your gpa dropped below 4.0, the minute you became addicted to tallying your Weight Watcher points on your Blackberry, the minute you began to take pride in how you do laundry and wash dishes, the minute you started arriving at work an HOUR before the start time, well, you became an official geek. And you are the reason I happen to know that geeks become wonderful husbands.

Perhaps you could forward those thoughts on to your daughter now.


Cyndy Bush said...

Oh, too funny! I dated a lot of bad boys...then married one...then divorced him...THEN married a pretty geeky guy and he is the BEST! But I had to live and learn. said...

I married my geek too... sometimes you gotta sort through the rotten apples to find the golden one... stopping by from SITS

Lee said...

I love this post. And how true this is. Husband #3 is a geek extraordinaire, and by far the best one so far...of course, I have to always leave my options open, because you never know!!

Lucy and Ethel said...

Your daughter will most likely have to be HURT by a 'cool' boy (or two) before she comes to her senses and falls for a geek :)

Hang in there, be available, and say a few extra prayers....


Laura ~Peach~ said...

i have a rebel... hermet man... and would not trade him for any one on the planet :)
geeks are cool however!

Jennifer Warthan said...

While I admit to marrying the class clown (and he was probably a bit of a bully), geeks are awesome.

Just please, PLEASE pick one WITH a sense of humor. Humor can get you through some awfully rough spots and hard times.

Matty said...

Just ask any girl or young woman. No one wants to date a nice guy. My wife always said that in her young dating days, if she had a choice between a nice guy who was going to take her out for ice cream, and a bad boy who was going to take her to a bar for a beer, it was an easy decision.

And you are right....the geeks and nice guys are thriving now.

Vanessa said...

Sounds like your man is totally busted!! The Husband somehow managed to not be considered a geek even though he sang in choir AND played violin in orchestra -- because he also played several sports. And was great at EVERYTHING. Still is. It's only slightly annoying! ;-)

Beth Zimmerman said...

What is it with girls who insist on dating guys that are going to be mean to them? I just don't get it! So glad my youngest is a boy ... and a nice, gentle, polite (geek) one at that! :)

Nancy C said...

Sadly for the geeks, timing is everything. Just ask Bill Gates.

Jientje said...

You love your geek, that's for sure! Your daughter will have to make up her own mind, and she will, all in due time!

Julie said...

lol, Zach is not a geek but he is OCD?neurotic... and perfect for me :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so funny!!
I always say: Bad boys make BAD husbands.
Geeks are good people.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

My Little T is a geek and he knows it! He says it's better than being a nerd!

Evansmom said...

So so true.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

We in blog world love your geek too! :)

imbeingheldhostage said...

Oh Caution, this was the best post ever.

I need that T-shirt so that my Computer Nerd knows I love him.

Anonymous said...

Hey - I've got that same exact T shirt!