Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Please Shine Down on Me!

Leigh was a featured SITS blogger the other day and I decided that her blog was worth a return visit. Why?

First, her name. Don't you just love the name Leigh? If I hadn't once pretended to change my name to Elisabeth, I might have considered pretending to rename myself Leigh. If I ever have a daughter-in-law, I'm going to name her Leigh.

Secondly, she knows how to make those little link buttons that I spent all week-end trying to make and couldn't.

Thirdly, she's happy. Today Leigh begins a new weekly theme: it features pix of things that make us happy. Isn't that a lovely meme for Tuesdays?


So what makes me happy? After a long, gray Detroit winter (did I ever tell you that Detroit is the third gloomiest city in our country?), the sun came back!! And, baby, when the sun is out, even the pain of spending $500 between the orthodontist and the eye doctor seems tolerable.

Welcome back, Mr. Sun!


leigh hewett said...

Oh Lordy, I love you! Thanks for being the first person to link up. I feel like I'm all dolled up for a party and now I'm just waiting for the guests to show up. Now that you've joined in, I don't feel alone.

Thanks for the glowing compliments. You are funny and I don't mean like you got a little chuckle out of me. You had me snickering away.

Okay...I've written a novella here. I love your photo today. It's so hopeful.
I'll be back to visit soon!!

Mental P Mama said...

Love it! Shine on!

I Am Woody said...

Woke up to snow but thankfully it is supposed to be 60* this weekend:)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Sun is wonderful.
So is the name Leigh. It is my middle name. And Lindsay's middle name as well.
I did not know I could name my future son in laws.
How about Rhett and Joseph?

w said...

oh the sun is a happy thing! but idk if it would make spending $500 tolerable. unless it was on shoes. word.

found you via the happiness project link!

Christy said...

I love the sun! So glad to see it back. It took me forever to make those little button things too, and I'm not even sure if I really like mine, lol. Found you through Leigh's blog, and I'm following now! Can't wait to get to know you better!

Anonymous said...

Awww sunshine! I miss it.

Raising Z and Lil C said...

Thank god for the sun! It is shining today for a little while and it always makes me feel so happy :)

Anonymous said...

Ah - what bliss! The sun can cheer us up very quickly!

Danielle said...

I love blue sky! Even with hint of grey!

Unknown said...

I'm with ya on the sun thing! Minnesota winters don't allow for much of it... But when it's out, we are basking in it!


Sun indeed is a happy thing during a Michigan winter!

Sugar Bear said...

I'm in upstate NY. The temps are mild today...somewhere in the mid 30's..dare I say 40? The snow mountains are becoming hills...I heard birds...

it is wonderful.

Great capture.

Michelle Faith said...

That looks like a NW sky...could be my back yard. The sun makes me very happy too.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

woot the sun is supposed the shine here this weekend with a whopping 50 plus degrees. Tanning?

Debbie said...

Here's to many more sunny days for you!

Unknown said...

Sunshine? What's that?

MoMo 2.0 said...

I agree....after this long dark and snowy Danish winter, the sun is an AMAZING SIGHT to see !!!! Never appreciated sun this much when I lived in the US!

Angie said...

Oh wow - any day with sunshine makes me gloriously happy (can you tell we've had far too little of the bright ball of fire this winter?) Looking forward to seeing what next week brings! ;-)