I'm back to Mrs. 4444's Friday Fragments this week. It always feels wonderful to defrag.

Sat chatting with a friend the other night while our boys were in karate. It was hard to concentrate because she smelled so strongly of gasoline and I debated whether or not to mention that to her. I chose not to because I am working on being demure this week. When I got home, I realized that I was the one who had spilled the gasoline.
Do you suppose if I had won Mental P Mama's contest, that she would have given me the jacket she was wearing in this picture Daryl posted? That would have been kind.
I would like to meet a blogger in real life, so, WON, you had better watch out since we live 4 miles apart!! Sonic and soon?? I do promise not to spill my slush in my lap while we're together.
Decided on Monday night that I needed to paint our 1980's bathroom vanity this week. By Tuesday morning, I was pretty sure the vanity would look better if I tore out the tile on the floor and in the tub. However, I got distracted pestering Jill and some others with emails, and never got around to tearing that tile out. I suspect that Checkered is very relieved.
Sent my son on a big fieldtrip to here. The problem was that he had an infected throat and was under doctor's orders to stay home. I am pretty certain that school will be out for the summer by the time the health department and angry parents track us down.
Thank-you, Facebook friends who encouraged me to get a second opinion on my boy's asthma. Of course, the doctor looked puzzled when I told her I was there because my FB friends had sent me.

But on an EWWW note, my child was sick again Wednesday night. Coughed violently and vomited in his sleep and then some. Dangerous. Scary. Messy. I only knew about the stuff that landed all over the bathroom and that I cleaned. Then I put Mr. Asthma in my bed. Later, when Checkered got home from the Red Wings' game, he kindly got in Mr. Asthma's bed so the little guy could stay with me. I swear I did not know that child had been sick in his bed - until Checkered got in it. I'm sorry!!
I asked the grand Miss Marlene and Lovely Miss Betty for advice this week and they responded immediately. Love those girls. I do, however, need to do a better job of keeping in touch with my local friends. That's what summer is for, right?
Child #2 is working on a scouting merit badge where he had to build a bird feeder and identify 8 different bird breeds (kinds?) who come to eat. We seem to be getting the same 3 birds and I wonder if he takes pix of those birds from all different angles, will it seem like 8 different breeds?
And lastly, it is surely time for the school year to end. Drove my daughter to school one morning. Waited through the traffic line, and when it was our turn in front of the school, I drove away having completely forgotten to let my daughter get out.