Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fine. I Might Have a Quirk or 7. #6

#6:  I shave my legs only as high as my hemline.

Wearing capris?  Shave to mid-calf.

Wearing shorts?  Shave to the knee.

Wearing long pants?  Well, that's an outright gift.

I'd say Checkered's a lucky man, isn't he?


Laura ~Peach~ said...

look out winter time!
HUgs LAura

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

LMAO...That is how things go around here. If I do shave all pretty Cookie usually asks me 'What's up?' hehe
He was sooo jealous when I went to Florida because I was all smooth and he wanted to know why I won't do that for him.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I do that too... Every once in a while I'll have a few extra minutes and get REALLY crazy (read-do the whole leg) but for the most part it's all on a shave-to-see basis. :)

Karen said...

I've never shaved above my knee. In reality there's so little hair there, and it isn't like my husband expects it. Plus, I'm saving on razor blades.

Mental P Mama said...

No comment;)

Keeper Of All Things said...

So true So true!!!

Mrs4444 said...

Mr.4444 prefers furry to picky; in the winter, I don't bother shaving, and he loves me anyway. :) That said, the hair on my legs is blonde, so it's not that noticeable. Let's hope my future chin hairs follow suit!

Unknown said...

Geesh...I feel unclean unless I shave my legs daily...and I hate every minute of it!

Big Hair Envy said...

I must deforest daily. It's just a thing I have....