Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
FF: The I'm Smarter Than I Was Yesterday Edition
And Sara? She's just a smarty, so I'm sure she'll be tolerant of me.
1. Sometimes procrastination pays off. I needed to cancel two doctor appointments this week but forgot and then it was too late to cancel, BUT then the first doctor called to reschedule because she was sick!! THEN I was called and told the second doctor was quitting and we would get to work with a new doctor some time in November. I very calmly agreed to all their schedule changes.
2. This Goethe quote makes me think of blogging...and maybe Facebook:
The Oopsie Birthday
So the wife formed a plan. It was a plan to declutter the basement and open floor space for the new weights. She got her children's approval. She got her homework done in order to free-up time. She nearly killed her back dragging her much-maligned Ab Lounger 2 up the stairs and into the car and to a store which bought it from her. She worked and worked and finally that floor space was clear.
The next stop was to purchase the weight equipment. She found many, many cute machines. She found many, many with cushioned seats and a softer, more feminine side. But she knew the husband just wanted weights.
And that is where the proverbial wheels fell off her plan.
No matter how much additional time she invested
Time moved away from her and soon it was time for the family to eat the celebratory birthday dinner. During dinner, the children all began to recall that they each needed emergency school supplies for the next day. At some time, therein, the husband and 7 year old son had an argument about the husband's new age, and the husband learned that he is actually a year YOUNGER than he thought he was.
When, during the eating of the so-so crock-pot Weight Watchers cake, the children asked if it was time to open presents, the wife was forced to admit that there was not a single gift for the husband.
After dinner, the husband and wife went to Walmart to get the necessary school supplies. While there, the guilt-stricken wife bought her husband a belt and two pairs of Walmart jeans.
Amazingly enough, he still seems to love her.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Joy for October 27

Friday, October 23, 2009
FF: Where IS Caution Headed With These?
~Our 9 year old has fallen in love with the theater. He is going to play Winthrop in a local production of "The Music Man" and we have concerns about his ego size. Each time he walks into a rehearsal, dozens of teen-aged girls call out, "Ooh! He's here!!" Our boy then struts into the room. The performance isn't until February and that seems like a very long time for an ego to grow.
~Our daughter, aka a Who in "Seussical the Musical," is not quite so taken with her role. She is to find an "old-fashioned looking dress" for her costume and was told to look at the thrift stores. I haven't yet seen something like this at a thrift store.

~Our 6th grader has a close friend who almost died last week from diabetes. Previously, he had no symptoms and there appears to be no family history, but he carries the gene and then got the flu and strep back-to-back. It is thought that those illnesses and the stress on his body somehow activated that gene and the diabetes. Very frightening.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Some Days are Happy
At 10:40 (class begins at 11:00) I was ready with my mixed metals and glanced in the mirror only to see baggy baggy jeans. They were grossly too big. No one in class would even notice my color problem because they would be grimacing at my too big pants. Remember, most of my students are 18 and come to class looking like they are ready for the runway (and not the one at the airport.)
At 10:45 I was admiring the way my smaller jeans actually zip and button now.
At 11:05 I walked into class and was greeted by a chorus of, "You're late!! We were going to leave!!" There was no chalk for the board, the room was freezing, there was loud construction going on right outside the classroom windows, and I had to teach grammar.
BUT I had proof that I had lost weight and that's all that mattered. It was a great day.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Does the Guilt Cause the Pleasure?
This week's theme is 10 guilty pleasures:
10. blogging
9. ice cream
8. chick flicks
7. NOT putting laundry away
6. being home sick on a Sunday morning while everyone else goes to church
5. giving a test at work and enjoying not having to lecture
4. listening to child-inappropriate radio after the kids go to school
3. the hot tub on a dark, chilly night
2. McDonalds fries
1. letting the phone go straight to voice mail
Monday, October 19, 2009
On the Cusp of Excitement
One item we bought, a cape for Halloween, was on the $10 rack but had no barcode. There were no other items like it. We told the cashier all these things, and that seemed to put her into a cloud of confusion. She walked over to talk to another cashier and then decided to simply stop our line while someone else handled it. In the meanwhile, the belt was full with the next shopper's things and our line got longer and longer as our cashier stood motionless with her back to us. After several minutes, the manager came running over to see what the problem was. The cashier assured her that "someone" was looking for a price. We told the manager the same thing we began the work stoppage with: $10 rack, no barcode, only one. After several more minutes, while we waited with the rudest cashier in town, another manager started calling the now-missing first manager. FINALLY, the second manager told us, "We'll say it's $10," finished ringing us up, and we left. It was efficiency at its worst.
And to think: I actually thought for a minute or 12 about applying at the new Walmart being built near our house. I, too, could be inefficient and rude and get minimum wage to do it.
Now, for a Walmart link a friend sent:
Friday, October 16, 2009
FF: The Education is Forever Edition
Thank-you, Mrs. 4's and Sara for hosting. I'm yours forever.
This week is a new experience as I am back in school :( Really, I don't mind learning, but I do mind homework. Here is the first thing I learned this week ~ the shelf life of knowledge used to be 50 (that's how long information you learned was "good" before it was preempted by new research.) Now the shelf life of knowledge is a little more than 2 years.
The second thing I learned is that today's workers will typically cycle through 5 careers/companies. Researchers think our kids will cycle through 9 careers/companies. That's a lot of change.
My daughter is taking a mighty blunt health class, and the teacher says she has been embarrassed by some of the discussions from the students. Sometimes my girl slips and tells us a bit about what they're learning. I have to say, "Hooray," for our district offering this class.
My 25th college reunion is this week in Massachusetts. There are lots of reasons I won't be going, but thank-you, Facebook, for putting me back in touch with some of the former classmates I've missed the most.
Maybe I'll do better at attending my 30th high school reunion next summer. The reunion planners have been sending me reminders for the last several months. I can't decide if I can still claim ignorance and "forget" to go.
I am all about more tolerance when little kids bring Cub Scout knives to school so they can eat with the fork part, and when the girl leaves the butter knife in the back seat of her car after a cake decorating class the night before. But the child who brought an air-soft pistol to our middle school last week? Send him away.
My little boy told me that only one teacher in his building is any good at decorating his room. I'm guessing that evaluation was based solely on the number of Halloween decorations in the room.
Went to parent-teacher conferences at the high school this week. Was not thrilled by the efficiency of the English teacher who simply gave us his spiel and seemed annoyed when we asked questions. LOVED the teachers who introduced themselves to us, asked our first names, and really seemed to know who our daughter was.
On that note, when a teacher has a full-time student teacher for the entire school year, where is the teacher (the one getting full pay for the year, but not teaching??)
Finally, I spoke too soon last week in sharing the week's examples of writing from my own students. On Monday, this charmer was submitted by one of my students at the COLLEGE where I teach. May the Lord add patience to my teaching style:
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I appreciate the way Evan's mom takes time on Thursdays to list the things for which she is grateful, and I always mean to do the same thing. Now that I'm a meme queen, the time is here for me to join in thankfulness.
For what am I thankful today? Many things! I will, however, keep today's list short and limited to "T" things from this week (don't you know I'm using "T" for thankful??) Maybe I'll even get through the alphabet by the time this meme is over!
~Tissues with lotion
~Time: to be with my kids, to hold hands with my husband, to chat with my parents
~Tender friends who care about my kids AND me
~Teachers who want my children to succeed in school
~"T" who, as my new friend, let me go on and on in an email this week when I really needed someone to listen
~Twelve year olds who are really easy to live with.
Your turn :) Got any "t" thing this week for which you're thankful?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Another Meme! How Can It Be?

Middle school boys can be silly, but this one really, really loves his dad.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Memes Continue
10. The mothers of the other second graders.
9. The people from my high school graduating class who have grandchildren.
8. Getting excited about "Fame" and having my kids ask if there really was another "Fame" movie.
7. A little too much gray here and there.
6. Going to a church where the music director is young enough that he doesn't really know many hymns.
5. Asking my students yesterday about something related to the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 and having them respond, "Someone bombed Oklahoma?"
4. Realizing that the oldies station hasn't played any of my "old" songs in a long time.
3. Watching siblings and their spouses retire.
2. Sleeping with a sick child on his less than great mattress and not being able to stand up straight the next morning.
1. Having the doctor lecture me about cholesterol.
Now what about you??
Monday, October 12, 2009
Whoa There and a Meme
There is good news: The fevers are finally gone today!! We hope #3's asthma will be much-improved soon, too. That would make me smile, but then I look at the family calendar for this week, I think maybe I should just cry. Activities, school projects, work - more than one event per evening. In addition, I start TAKING not teaching an on-line class this week and it requires 15-20 hours per week. But no. I'm not going to whine or cry or run away. What I am going to do is meme all week. I may well find my blogging future in allowing other bloggers to do all the thinking while I coast. (No response to anyone who asks how this is any different from my past blogging.)
Onward and upward or maybe I should just say, "Next." Monday's meme: Give me 5 Monday ~5 fave or UNfave things for which I shop:
1. UNfave: school supplies - the list never ends; the emotions tied to returning to a schedule and school aren't always happy.
2. UNfave: groceries - the never-ending task
3. Fave: shoes - anytime; anywhere
4. UNfave: certain clothing items for husband or son #1- they find it easier to say they don't like something rather than describe what they do like.
5. Fave: furniture - we never buy, but I could actually shop in furniture stores every.single.day
What are your faves or UNfaves??
Friday, October 9, 2009
FF: The I Work Edition
Thank-you, Mrs. 4's and Sara for hosting our weekly party. It is, sadly enough, the social highlight of my week.
Tales from school:
~I need to figure out who my students' English professor is. When I do that, I will ask her why she is so crazy about banning cell phones in her class. Who cares if the cells are being used to cheat during quizzes? Who cares if students can't participate in class because they are replying to serious text inquiries like: "Hey" and "wut ru doin" ??
Lighten up, lady!
~Male students have become especially sneaky this term with their cell phone use during class. They put their phones on their chairs but just under their crotches. It looks kind of like they are, well, maneuvering things down there, but they're really texting. If the teacher gets close enough to catch the texting, it looks like she is staring at the student's nether regions.
~Some examples from this week's student writing assignments:
"When I was a child I wasn't allowed to have any friends I could have only one friend."
"My uncle, may he rest in pieces, was a great man."
"Working when I'm 14 teaches me alot. I'm 18 of course."
~Here's an abrupt transition away from school news. The following is a sign from a Walmart in New Mexico.

And lastly (since we're already on a learning/toileting theme):
~The newspaper reading option has been replaced in this house - not that I'll be using that laptop anytime soon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Had I Done It ...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
15 Words
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
La Influenza
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Gallery Grows
When my daughter was in second grade, she had a teacher named Jill. That year was structured, interesting, and happy, and seven years later, my daughter still has great affection for that teacher. The next year, third grade, wasn't so happy. Actually, it was miserable for my daughter. In the spring of that unhappy school year, Jill gave my daughter a beautiful birthday gift. She took a picture my daughter had drawn as her 2nd grade self-portrait and turned it into a quilted wall hanging.

When our first son drew his 2nd grade self-portrait we hired Jill, and another quilted picture soon joined our entryway gallery. Aside from our teasing about his disembodied head, we really do cherish this memento of his childhood.

Last Friday, we added to our collection with our third child's 2nd grade self-portrait in quilted form. (He looks pretty happy despite his 103 fever.)

We have one more to go and are looking for our fourth child's 2nd grade self-portrait to come home soon so we can send it off to Jill. At that point, our collection should be complete.
As always, if you're interested in purchasing a quilted picture of your own, let me know.
Friday, October 2, 2009
FF: The Three Chapter Edition
The bragging chapter:
- I have, in fact, fixed my broken links to Friday's Freewrite and Friday Fragments :) Don't believe me? Click the images above. ( please work, please work, please work....)
- I may have complained about our too full schedules, but we've added one more with the addition of my daughter's selection for the chorus of her school's production of "Seussical the Musical."
The school complaint chapter:
- WHY, school, have you chosen to do "Seussical the Musical" ?!?!? I attended a performance of the same musical a couple of years ago with my child's class and I arrived home and announced that was one musical we would never have to attend as a family because it completely failed to keep most every person there awake.
- My daughter's school has a very strict dress code and it is surely enforced, but dress codes that are strict can be confusing unless each detail is discussed. We understand the no short shorts rule, but my daughter's friends had on blue jeans under their shorts. The girls were found in violation of the dress code. As a matter of fact, there were so many violations (a tank top OVER a sleeved shirt was one) on wacky clothing day that the office ran out of extra clothing. I think the school should go to uniforms or provide a more lenient dress code. Without those, there will forever be too many gray areas. And don't even get me talking about the 1st hour teacher who said the clothing was acceptable but the hall monitors who decided it wasn't.
- When an after-school activity is scheduled to end at 5, but ends at 4:10, why does the school require the students to wait outside? My child is not old enough to drive and Checkered and I were both obligated to responsibilities 30 minutes away. My child was the only person outside that building for that half-hour. Think, school, before you change plans. Not every child has access to a quick ride home.
- If, during the month of April, a child exhibits behavior which greatly concerns you, please don't wait until a conference in September to tell his parents.
- My 6th grader is a good student, but he has had 2-3 hours of homework each night since the first week of school. I understand the theory that homework is a reinforcement of what was presented in school, but I also believe that a child deserves some breathing room during the evenings.
I miswrote something on the board this week (i.e. proname instead of pronoun) and an entire class of 28 college students did not murmur a single, "Huh?" I refuse to believe that they were ALL asleep.
The recipe chapter:
- I love emealz.
They send me a list of dinners for each week and a shopping list for those meals. Customers can specify the types of meals they want (in our case it's the points counting/WW type) and the grocery chain. The recipes are not only tailored to diet preferences, but are based on that chain's weekly sale items. Try this quick and delicious soup from emealz: