Monday, August 31, 2009
S is for Sweet

Friday, August 28, 2009
FF: I Thought I Was Empty

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Not My People
Before you click, here are some recent pix of my kids:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday's Trivia: Things Are Getting Hairy!
Because you're the curious sort,
Here we go with a nod to http://www.blurtit.com/!
1. The total number of potential beard hairs on a man's face is said to average around 30,000.
2. Beards grow about 5 inches a year.
3. Men without beards spend about 800-3000 hours of their lives shaving (10-15 hours a year)
4. Caution and Checkered's boys still swear by shaving with cake frosting. Says it leaves their skin soft and smooth.

And now your Tuesday is better for this knowledge.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Z-A Mondays: T is for ...
Tutoring? (I do dread the start of school and homework!)

Topsy turvies? (...back when I still had hope that they would work)
Since we are in the waning days of summer, I'll stick with a happy "t."

After all these t's, I really do hope we are actually on the letter T this week. To find out, check out the other A-Z or Z-A bloggers.
Friday, August 21, 2009
FF: The Happy Edition

10. My child, candidate for Pickiest Eater in the Milky Way, has decided that he likes tomato soup.
9. Checkered is reading a book! (the final Harry Potter)
8. and he sat next to me last night to read it.
7. My youngest boy now prefers the History Channel to Cartoon Network.
6. My child's doctor actually understands not only what I say, but what I don't say.
5. My daughter has been hearing about her friends who have spent the summer smoking and drinking, and she is disgusted.
4. My garden of grand intentions has produced 10 cherry tomatoes AND 5 ears of corn.
3. I return to work next week and I'm ready with completed syllabi and course plans. Okay, fine. I'm not ready, but I will be BECAUSE I'M AN OPTIMIST, OF COURSE!
2. Loving Patrick Taylor's An Irish Country Doctor and An Irish Country Village. I've been thinking in a brogue all week.
1. We will attend a wedding next week for the daughter of my dear friend. That I have not a thing to wear will certainly pale in comparison to the joy of this most unexpected love.
0. I can admit that maybe I lied when I said I was okay with nothing to wear to the wedding.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
In Layman's Terms, If You Will

So, in a moment of great badge weakness, and with the "just get one, already," words of a friend echoing in my head, and perhaps inspired by the novel, A Single Thread,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Just a Little Annoyed
10. The man behind me in the grocery store who insisted on putting his groceries on the belt before I put mine up there.

9. The teen-ager in another car who was deeply upset that I didn't go through the yellow light at our local intersection.
8. I have to carefully watch my diet this week because my physical is on Friday.
7. Watching my diet all week will not make one bit of difference in any results.
6. Myself for thinking the man behind me at Walmart was trying to cut in front of me when he was really an employee trying to empty the returnable cans/bottles bins.
5. My dog loving to swim in her wading pool AFTER she pees in it.
4. My broken dishwasher whose job it was to teach my children to hand wash dishes, yet the dirty dishes silently stack themselves on the counter every.single.day.
3. My inability to create clever little blog graphics like so many of you do.

2. The followers list I removed from my blog so I wouldn't feel a slave to it; nevertheless, I wonder what would happen if I re-posted it.
1. Mosquitoes. Fruit flies. Great black wasps.
0. The customers at the local cigarette shop who ALWAYS park in the fire lane thus impeding traffic for everyone else driving by.
Thank-you for listening. I'm done....for today.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday's Trivia: Amusement Parks and Aging
Monday, August 17, 2009
Z - A Mondays: Uniform

Friday, August 14, 2009
Friday Fragments: The Food Edition

- It's Friday!
- Have you ever had Claude's Barbeque Brisket Marinade Sauce? If not, get yourself to El Paso, Texas and get some. I love the fragrance. I love the flavor. I love the ease. I don't love how far it is to El Paso.

- Speaking of El Paso and Claude's: The one who introduced me to Claude's is my younger sister, Dr. Red. She has finally joined Facebook (from which I immediately stole her picture); you all should head over there and meet her.
- Coney dogs are very popular in this area: hot dogs with a thick, meaty sauce on them. The chili is just a bit spicy; the casing on the dogs just a bit crunchy. Hold the mustard on mine, please.

- During Pepper the Dog's behavior class this week, my 7 year old son confided to me that he absolutely loves the way the treats there smell. That would be the DOG treats. He is thinking about buying some and leaving them open under his bed so he can smell them all night.
- I like the Cake Boss show but wish they would leave out the contrived drama and simply show us more of his magnificent creations.
- My daughter made this cake this week:
- Then she made lunch for her brothers. I think I will forgive the fact that cleaning up the kitchen afterward never entered her mind.
- And now we'll close with a reference to natural milk producers. My very middle-aged and conservative neighbor has taken to sunbathing topless in her back yard. No picture here. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Button Pusher

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday's Trivia: the Wienermobile

Monday, August 10, 2009
A-Z Monday: V is for Volleyball

But look where I am today! I'm here just in time for the letter V. And for me, V is volleyball.
Volleyball first flirted with me back in 5th grade.
"Come on, Sweetie. You want to play! How hard can it be to hit a ball?" it cooed to me gym class after gym class.
So I took a swing and hit that ball just as hard as I could - right into the net - and my turn was over.
We played again in 7th grade, 8th grade, and 9th grade gym class. And every.single.time I hit that simple little ball, it went into the net or directly out the side of the court. Then there was the time it hit the girl's head right in front of me.
Volleyball left me bruised in arm, bruised in ego, bruised in career goals.
So I grew up and got married and my ever so sweet husband who knew me very well, signed us up for a volleyball league.
Okay, that was a bad argument, but I am a wonderful sport and played for two seasons.
Again, the ball went sideways, off other players' heads, and sometimes backwards.
When I announced my retirement from volleyball, no one cried or gave me a cruise or a gold watch. They just said, "Okay," and quickly ran the other way.
Last week, I saw a volleyball set for the pool. It was marked down significantly, and it was cooing, "Come on, Sweetie. You know you want to play! How hard can it be to hit a ball?"
I thought about how I am still taller than 3 of my kids and I am getting in shape. I thought how there would be no super athletes trying to spike the ball off my face. I thought how I could look like an Olympic athlete right here in my back yard.
The net came home and set up. The kids got in the pool. The ball went flying out of the water and I went to retrieve it. I hit it back to the kids and the ball flew right over the pool. The second attempt sent the ball under the pool deck. The last attempt hit my daughter's friend in the head.
I like volleyball, but it's plain to see,
the oh so easy sport of volleyball
really hates me.
Friday, August 7, 2009
FF: The School Edition