~It's time! It's time!! Friday Fragments and Friday's Freewrite. Grab ahold of those pesky little thoughts swirling around and around in your mind and unload them here. It's the best stop of the week.
~I enjoyed last week's luncheon with the Jills. One of the Jills did some teaching in my garden. It seems that those lucious berry plants I was growing so successfully were weeds.

~School supply shopping yesterday. $160 for notebooks, binders, crayons, and page protectors. Still need at least one graphing calculator and one backpack. The hallelujah news is that the trombone has been paid for already.

~Pepper the dog is, thus far, excelling in her schooling. She has impressed us with how quickly she is learning. Of course, most of the things that have been taught in the first two classes were things we had already taught Pepper at home. We will NOT be telling the instructor that.
~Facebook is beginning to make me feel very boring. Did I not do anything fun during high school or college?
~Have you ever had an initial and brief phone conversation with someone and decided they were very odd only to have your in real life meeting confirm that? How frustrating when that person is my child's doctor or teacher.
~Our NYC-loving daughter has returned home just in time to get registered for high school. The papers about academic integrity, bus service, scheduling, guidance office procedures, and dress code were all tossed aside in favor of the paper about the homecoming dance tickets. The very first school supply we bought way back at the beginning of the summer? Her dress.

You did good on the school supplies for how many? I had to take out a small loan for my 1.
I like the dress. At least someone has their priorities in order!
I cannot believe how much is required for school supplies. I took my niece shopping for hers - I thought I might have a stroke. Our school system even requires the kids to bring in classroom supplies like hand sanitizer, dry erase markers for the teacher. What's up with that??
And seriously, what about the kids from economically challenged households? What are they to do?
Ahhhh. A High Schooler....so much fun!
At least you know what to buy before school starts. At our high school, they tell the kids the first week and then expect them to run out and get them immediately.
love the dress :)
I think we should have gotten a bailout for supplies and such for back to school...not just tax free days.
I had forgotten about the whole trip for school supplies...crap. I think I need to sell one of the kids in able to be able to afford it@
Luckily the days of expensive school supplies are behind me. Only one still in high school, and he reuses binders, notebooks and his backpack is in great shape from last year!
Glad to see you and your daughter have your priorities straight - that dress is gorgeous!
Where I live the annual School Tax covers all supplies...but really, I'd rather have the 'extra' expense of school supplies than pay the exorbitant amount of taxes they charge us each year...
I love that your daughter's priority was the school dance paperwork and getting the dress - that is a beautiful dress! She has good taste! :)
Too funny that your 'luscious berry plants' turned out to be weeds...my garden seems to be growing weeds like a charm - and the voles have eaten a majority of the 'good' plants but left the weeds alone. You'd think they'd at least help me out by eating the weeds as a 'thank you' for me planting yummy stuff for them to eat...(grin!!)
Happy Friday!
I barely buy Connor anything for school. Couple notebooks and pens and he's good to go.
And love the dress!!
Btw, couldnt have used my finger for the peanutbutter...it was too far down in the jar!!
Ooohh-the dress is beautiful! That reminds me that Kendall and I need to get to DEB! I cannot believe the expense of school! I put lunch money in for one month (2 kids), plus paid all the upfront fees and spent $365, and we haven't even bought school supplies yet! Wish there was a payment plan....
I always love your Friday Frags....and the dress! Have a good weekend...;p
In yesterday's newspaper there was an article about how Twitter is allowing the comedic talents of everyday people to see the light of day and be noticed. I thought of you. Your Friday Fragments are great!
I can't believe how expensive school supplies.
I would have bought the dress first too.
The school supply dress is lovely.
I hope your daughter is not planning on wearing that dress to horseback riding lessons! She'll have to sit sidesaddle.
My YD is telling me she is planning on taking a couple of the private training horses to the ranch where she works during the week. I guess that is where her training center will be for a while. She is so full of great ideas.
Thanks for visiting!
As far as a small town - I love visiting a big city. The culture, the food, the constant "something to do". But, in the evenings, when I walk my dog past the pick up game of softball, when everyone waves as I drive past, tonight, as I listen to the crickets chirp and hear the deer rustle in the back yard - yup, this is pretty daggone good! Email me if you want to chat more about it! slwilco@embarqmail.com
Sounds like the perfect first school supply to me! The dress is gorgeous!
I'm in total denial about how soon school will be starting. Total. Good for you for having all the necessities. We don't start till the 24th, so I still have some time, right?
Thanks for stopping by my place! Have a good weekend!
What size does your daughter wear? I could quite possibly save you a FORTUNE in formal attire...
That dress is gorgeous! Love the color and style!
You could feed a small country these days for the cost of school supplies! It's crazy!
Thanks for the bloggy visit! I love your blog and design!
The dress is lovely!
Facebook makes me feel boring too... maybe it's a conspiracy of somekind?
great dress! Is it the new school uniform? ;-)
That is a gorgeous dress. Simple and pretty.
My son is only four so I'm not having to purchase school supplies yet, but I'm dreading next year. How much paste does a kindergartener need? :)
your background is so cute!
$160!!! I'm in trouble!!!!
The hotel was nice...not worth the price we paid for the "bunkbued suite" but it was alright. You're better off going to Kalahari in Sandusky, OH. WAY better place!
Thanks for your prayers! It's quite an adjustment.
Beautiful dress! I am glad that she has her priorities in order! :)
Facebook does the same thing to me!! Glad I'm not the only one. Thanks for stopping by my blog...and happy FF...a little late!! :)
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