These keys look nothing alike, yet I almost always take the wrong one - only to have to return to the house for the correct key.

Nor do these two creatures look especially similar.
Why then, must I constantly call each one by the other's name?
What is your dog's name? He/She looks very much like our dog.
I do the same thing. I think it has something to do with being over 40.
Just don't call Arfy, Checkered.
I do the same thing!!! I have heard it is a sign of higher intelligence. Well...that's what I am going with at least.
Sounds like Stage I to me! :)
I used to babysit my friend's children (she had 9 at the time!). After running through a list of about 5 wrong names each time I called for one, I made a new rule. If I am looking at you and calling any name, you better answer!
Yeah, my OD looked at me funny when I was talking about some thing my little dog did but called her my youngest daughters name. (Something like how she jumped off the back of the couch and ran to get her ball, but couldn't stop in time, so she ran into the wall, so not something what my youngest would do) I mix the girls three names up all the time. I think George Foreman had something there when he named all eight of his sons George!
Well, calling the wrong name is just part of being a mom...which is why I don't understand people who purposely name their kids with the same first letter. Are they TRYING to go insane??
No offense if you did this. And it doesn't always follow. I have a Deirdre and a Bridget and it turns out that those are actually the same name..."Dear-Bridget" "Bridge-Deirdre"
And it is NOT good if you are vexed at the dog and so automatically call out the boy's name. I have done that.
As to the keys, there is this little thing we call a keychain, and if you got two VERY different ones, you might save yourself a trip inside every once in a while...:)
Oh, so I really am not alone?
Welcome to the club!
Oh, my! My mom used to do this with me and our dog. Abbie... Ashley.... Haha!!
Ah - so now I know where I contracted this disease! Must be very catching...
Yes, it may be Stage I as Grandma J. says. If so, never fear, you'll have lots of company on that stage. In that stage. On that stage.
I call my oldest son my middle sister's name (do NOT try to interpret that one) and my youngest/my daughter by my baby sister's name (they look alike, plus they're both the baby/youngest).
It all boils down to barking orders, the way I see it. The important thing is the orders are being conveyed; details like names are trifling.
Yikes! It won't be long now...
OMG-I do the SAME thing!! Very funny.
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