Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Who Says It's Not All About Winning?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
And They're Good Cooks, too!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Throwing Caution to the Wind and Surviving
Monday, November 22, 2010
Christmas? Bring it!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Medical Maven I'm Not

Thursday, November 18, 2010
FF: All Around My Brain
**We had a Weight Watchers friendly Beef Stroganoff this week. The non-friendly version would have tasted much better.
**Walmart!! Order more of this soap. It is lovely.
**My teen boy says he doesn't know what I see in Bruce Springsteen. I'll admit that I'm glad he doesn't. But, Bruce? Keep your politics to yourself.
**How do those protesters from Westboro Baptist Church sleep at night????
**Would you consider sharing a dog? It is a popular trend now. Two families share expenses and time with the dog. If the families live very near each other, it's even better. The dogs supposedly get to know the routine and will wait at the door when it's time to go to the second family.
**That makes me wonder how people manage to live double lives with two different families. How do they not go crazy trying to keep details straight? FYI: no personal references being hinted at here.
**And in the mindset of what was he thinking: In the metro Detroit area a man has rejected a $150,000 settlement offer after he used a screwdriver to open a jar of Del Monte fruit and the lid flew off and hit his eye rendering him unconscious.
**This week's fragments brought to you by Mrs. 4444's, who will no doubt be sad after the Michigan-Wisconsin game tomorrow.
What's so hard about getting up at 4?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Begging Your Pardon
Friday, November 12, 2010
FF: No Frontal Lobe
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Happiness Project: Soaking
Monday, November 8, 2010
Caution's Cooking Conquest
- sit at a ball game
- sit through a scouting event
- sit through a church-related event
- stand in line at the grocery store
I love to hear those recipes, but I never remember them.
Okay, there is one exception. Years ago while we waited for our young daughters to sell Girl Scout cookies at Kroger, a woman said,
- use vinegar!
- use beer!
- Make Checkered cook!
The woman next to me quietly said that she had the best method ever! Then she told me to do three things, but I knew that was two things too many to remember, so she scrounged up paper and a pen and wrote those things down. I stuffed that paper into my pocket and found it a few day later.
She was right: KILLER ribs !!
I was going to call and thank her, but my son now says I've been mispronouncing the woman's name for a year (he couldn't have told me months ago????) I think an email thank-you will suffice; don't you?