Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's so hard about getting up at 4?

He was sure that if he did not go hunting with his dad and brother that he would miss something really exciting.

He needn't have worried.
The good news was that he was a little better rested than the other guys when they arrived home empty-handed.

Obviously MARvelous


Mental P Mama said...

Oh how cute is this?????

Cranberry Morning said...

That is SO CUTE!! :-)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh how cute and FUNNY!!!

I Am Woody said...


One Photo said...

Oh so very sweet!

Sketches by Mary said...

Caution Flag, Mary @ is letting you know you have WON!! Check your email..soon. :)) And check my website to see who else won in the Giveaway!!

betty said...

too cute!! don't you wish we could sleep in any position like that?
