Thursday, August 13, 2009

Button Pusher

I was minding my own business watching my boys play ball at a local historical park, Greenfield Village. At some point, I got curious about the pulse button on my camera. Well now. Who knew I could take so many pictures so quickly on my point and shoot?


Unknown said...

How cool is that? I am gonna check and see if I have one of those nifty little buttons as well! I just figured out that I can do video's and I have had it for two years!

Lucy and Ethel said...

Wow - I'm impressed! I'll have to check someday to see what the 'P' on my camera means, as that would come in handy.

So would being intelligent on such matters.


Mental P Mama said...

It is a fun setting!

mom x 2 said...

That's sweet... I have to check my camera for that one :)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Going to see if my camera has one!Looks like I may be able to do some damage! Thanks! And great shots BTW!
See what happens when we mind our own business!

Unknown said...

I'm off to check my camera to see if I have that too.

claudia said...

That's so cool! I'm impressed!

Mary Ellen said...

That's really cool - I wonder if mine does that?

Laura ~Peach~ said...

must check my cameras to see if they have that too....great shots!!!!

Unknown said... opened up a WHOLE new world to all of to check that too.

Claudya Martinez said...

That's awesome! You need to use that function more often.

Mrs4444 said...

Hey! That was just like a flip-book! Very cool.