It defies logic.
It was spontaneous.
I can't believe I did it.
I do not sew despite my mother's best efforts, but I have bought a sewing machine.

I am tired of fighting a needle through all those scout badges.
So, in a moment of great badge weakness, and with the "just get one, already," words of a friend echoing in my head, and perhaps inspired by the novel, A Single Thread,
I got it.
But now my question: what in the world do I do now?
I'm not sure, but I'd like to know!
I've seen a few of those mini, hand-held sewing machines, for small projects like a ripped hem or a badge. I'd go with that but only because I have no sewing talent, of this I am sure. ~Mary
Read the owner's manual.
Ooooh and I like your new background - very quilty Yes. It looks like you are ready to sew.
I have one too but haven't the slightest idea what to do with it. It just sits there taking up space.
You are a better woman than I....the dry cleaners always did that job for me;)
SEW, Sew, sew!
Search out a fabric store (Hancocks, JoAnn's, etc) and sign up for a beginners class.
Start with something easy....a pillow, a small blanket, etc.
But have fun and be creative with it!
When you figure out what to do with it, let me know. Not that it would matter, as I don't own one nor do I want to. I just take it to my mom.
Oh I envy you. I sewed a lot when I was young, and couldn't thread a needle now to save my soul. Let me know how it works out because I think about re-learning.
Maybe I'll take T's suggestion and look into a class at Hancocks.
Ok...I'm letting my mind wander again!
LOL; maybe take it out of the box if you haven't already?? good for you though! my mom was a sewer; I tried, made some things, but never developed that love for it....
enjoy it though :)
Too funny. Those badges are a nightmare!!! Good those fingers.
You'd better call Marlene!
Teach the husband to use it.
Those things tempted me for a while, and then after I thought about it seriously for more than a minute I howled with laughter, because I'm about as domestically disabled as they come, and sewing is just too painful, excruciatingly painful, requiring all kinds of patience, and ability to thread needles and OH! the headache, let's stop all this talk about sewing.
Maybe it would make a nice hat rack?
What to do now? Run for the hills!
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