Thank-you, Mrs. 4's and Sara for hosting our weekly party. It is, sadly enough, the social highlight of my week.
Tales from school:
~I need to figure out who my students' English professor is. When I do that, I will ask her why she is so crazy about banning cell phones in her class. Who cares if the cells are being used to cheat during quizzes? Who cares if students can't participate in class because they are replying to serious text inquiries like: "Hey" and "wut ru doin" ??
Lighten up, lady!
~Male students have become especially sneaky this term with their cell phone use during class. They put their phones on their chairs but just under their crotches. It looks kind of like they are, well, maneuvering things down there, but they're really texting. If the teacher gets close enough to catch the texting, it looks like she is staring at the student's nether regions.
~Some examples from this week's student writing assignments:
"When I was a child I wasn't allowed to have any friends I could have only one friend."
"My uncle, may he rest in pieces, was a great man."
"Working when I'm 14 teaches me alot. I'm 18 of course."
~Here's an abrupt transition away from school news. The following is a sign from a Walmart in New Mexico.
And lastly (since we're already on a learning/toileting theme):
~The newspaper reading option has been replaced in this house - not that I'll be using that laptop anytime soon.
On New Mexico's behalf we weren't allowed to flush the paper when we lived in India. All the washrooms in hour house had to have airtight trashcans that we emptied on a daily basis.
Oh my, something witty came to mind but then I realized it would sound bad.
Have a great weekend. :)
Wireless interenet does have it's disadvantages. My P/C is not allowed to cross the threshold of the potty rooms. :)
I would never survive in New Mexico.
The cell phone saga has gotten out of control!!!
Maybe the uncle was killed by a chainsaw murderer...
Ha! That's hilarious. Love the writing excerpts. (Note to self: If Caution Flag comes to the next Blog Fest, do not use her craptop, I mean laptop.)
Oh dear - the uncle one cracks me up!
And the crotch texting - I'm betting those phones are on vibrate. Just saying........
"craptop" - hahahahaha!!
I am so glad I'm not a teacher. I would go crazy with the cell phone epidemic. My 7 year old has already asked for one. I said absolutely not!!! We all survived years and years of school (and college) without one. Ugh!
LOL with the boys and texting; that had me laughing out loud; and the uncle one too; these poor kids, they need to put away technology and pick up a book and start learning some things
its got to be so hard to be a teacher and try to control the use of cell phones. thankfully mine is graduated now but I know he abusively used his cell phone more than he should have in his school days
loved your Friday Fragments this week :)
My 6th grader is DYING for a cell phone, but it isn't happening. No way. And his school is really good about taking them up when they see them. The only way the kids can get them back is if the parents come with them to get it. :)
Nice frags!
Those are some interesting students....
I hope you are staying healthy!
OK just so you know that last picture has me peeing in my pants.
Heh, the male students getting creative with their crotch texting... :)
Hopefully that uncle is resting comfortably in pieces...
So far the laptops in our household have remained outside the bathroom. I imagine it's only a matter of time, though... :)
Happy FF! :)
Wow. That's an inventive way to text lol...and also a creative way to use a laptop.
omg... craptop.... love it... and i am with the idea of the crotch phones being on vibrate.... you so make me laugh!!!
I love visiting you, Caution; you're a breath of fresh air (well, except for that last pic, that is.)
I loved your intro-it cracked me up. And the "may he rest in pieces"...priceless. Loved the tone of these fragments :)
Oh dear. Now I'm all in a dither. If a public announcement sign must advise, "please behave like a civilized human being and flush your stuff," we've got way too many worries to fit on my list. Oy vez.
Oh goodness - the computer on the toilet shot - too funny!
And I love those comments by your students.
Oh good Lord! Using the laptop on the toilet. That is totally a blackmail photo for his teen years. LOL!
I can't believe he let you take that photo!!
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