Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Can't Believe You're Here!

Yikes! When my doorbell rang today, I had no idea who would be on the other side! Come in, already. It's great to see you, BATW readers. Oh no, don't bother taking your shoes off in this house. You are more valuable than our flooring.

Ignore the puppy. She loves people, but obviously we have some training to do. Pepper! Get down!!

Let's sit here at the table, but wait just a minute while I wipe it off. This morning was a little chaotic. Child #3 is not enjoying school this year. Every morning he tells me he has a headache, a stomach-ache, and then he takes his temp 12 or more times. Today I dragged him into school in a flood of tears. Oops! There's Child #4's lunchbox. I will take it over to the school in a while.

Just push those analogy essays to the side. I'll finish grading them later on. I thought the topic was so clever. The students were to explain some facet of their character using a favorite pair of shoes or a rock as a comparison. I don't understand why they weren't happier with the assignment...

Are you hungry? Let's see what's here. There's soup from last night and homemade bread (although it was taken out of the oven a bit prematurely) or there's a pasta dish from two nights ago. Oh wait. You probably want to sample the local flavors. That means we should order a Little Caesars pizza or a coney dog. If you just want a snack, how about a Michigan favorite: cider and donuts?

Then off to visit the local happenin' places. We could visit the local sports venues (or NOT), we could visit the refurbished art or Motown museums, we could stop by city hall and see where our first hiphop mayor was indicted on felony charges and forced to resign last week. I know. Let's stop by the Big Three. Things are pretty quiet at Ford, but GM has a new electric vehicle coming out and Chrysler has three electric vehicles slated to hit the showrooms in 2010. Ignore the somber faces. Tomorrow is expected to be another Black Friday with more layoffs coming and there's yet another foreclosed house a block over. It's been like that since Michigan took the #1 spot in the nation for unemployment. We are pleased to remind you that we are no longer the most dangerous city.

You're leaving already? I know. There are so many places to visit on this ingenious world tour Debbie organized. She's a mighty clever lady. Do you suppose I could tag along with you? I'll just leave my front door open and leave the pizza and coney dogs out for anyone else stopping by. After all, graciousness and organization are my middle names!


Debbie said...

I love it! I was wondering when you were going to wake up to your guests ;) Thanks for being such a gracious hostess!

Mental P Mama said...

You are, indeed, the hostess with the mostest!

Melissa Lester said...

Wow, you can really throw a party together quickly! And on a school morning, no less! Thanks for the welcome. But since I am shamefully sitting in my pajamas still since my #3 went to preschool, I need to get showered and dressed in case real people drop by unannounced!

Mandy said...

Very creative introduction. It was fun to read!

taratoons said...

I'm impressed... no warning and you have a great post for us to read! I hope you enjoy your BATW company today. Thanks for letting us drop in!

Lynda said...

Greetings from BATW! Thanks for letting us barge in unannounced - you certainly are a gracious hostess. Can't wait till we get invited to your "formal" tour!

Ashley said...

Wow! I love Debbie's idea b/c I found your blog and I absolutely love it! I'll definitely be back!

Joy said...

Thanks for the letting us stop by. They cider and donuts sound wonderful! I'll pray for child #3 that you can figure out what is really going on and why he doesn't want to go to school. Praying with a Moms In Touch group really helps. Hope you have one close by.
Love from Texas, Joy

Brian and Staci said...

Ms. Oklahoma just stopping in to say hi! Love your puppy! You are a busy lady :) Hope Child #3 starts liking school better :) Have a great day!

Shell said...

Thanks for being such a great hostess with such a short time to prepare. Hard times are hitting everyone all over. I love to have a coney dog. I don't know what that is. But it sounds delicious. Happy BATW day.

Amy Kay said...

I really enjoyed stopping by, our leftovers sound about the same. I'm going to have to come back and visit again sometime. Thanks for allowing us to crash your blog.
Hugs from Georgia,
Amy ;)

Keeper Of All Things said...

Too funny. Love it.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Greetings from Queenie from BATW. I enjoyed my stop by and also your stop at my site.
Sorry about your fall, I hope that you are feeling better.

Michelle said...

Oh how fun for you. And I love the food tour. It's all about the food. Especially if you can spare a donut and cider!

Betty said...

Not much time, but wanted to say hey and tell you to keep up the good posts!
Nice blog!
I´m also a member of the BATW club!

Amy said...

Visiting via BATW. Love your blog.

Vicki said...

Ok, love your Palin button and your NASCAR paraphenalia :) So up my alley. Hope you sell your trailer!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous host - thanks for that. Enjoy your layover guests. Hope they don't keep you from anything important!

Melissa B. said...

Thanks for hosting us on the BATW layover. Loved looking around your blog...isn't BATW the best?

Tracy P. said...

I'll leave the pizza and coney dogs, but I'm taking the donuts and cider with me!

Jen said...

Thanks for your wonderful hospitality. I'll be sticking around for a while to check out the rest of your little world.

Joyfulsister said...

Thank you for your sweet hospitality, Oh and Pepper is the cutest lol. Glad it wasn't a cat, you know the allergy issues!!! Well it was fun reading this post and you were a great hostess. I'll be sure to come back and visit again..

Byeee Lorie

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I would love the home made bread, thank you! Feel free to tag along, but I am heading to bed. :)

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I'm late! Can we still go somewhere? I live in Michigan too-- how about Greenfield Village? We could spend the day there:)

Cider and donuts-- my favorite! Are there any left?

Janean Campbell said...

Loved your little blog entry today. This sure is a fun trek across the states and beyond..

Heathahlee said...

Mmmm...coney dogs...

BATW is great, is it not?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Aren't you hot stuff! Bloggin around the world and all. I feel like I know a celeb. My friend is so important. I am so honored! Should I tell them I the one who gets to bail you out of jail if ever you land yourself there someday?! (JOKING FOLKS! JOKING.... She's a REALLY nice Christian mom!)

Congrats on your many house guests. I'm so glad they showed up at your house not mine, cause I really need to dust!

Sooz said...

Coming over a little late from BATW...thanks for being such a lovely hostess and you have a great blog!

The Farmer Files said...

Awww thanks for having us. That's called "living aloha" here. Much aloha!

Lady Dorothy said...

Arriving via BATW. I'm late, I know. I was trying to keep up with everyone else, really I was!

But, I'm glad I finally got here! Thanks for the hospitality! That couple walking on your street is freaky! You must tell us if you ever find out who they "really" are!