And then, as if discovering my weakness wasn't bad enough, I took a quiz where I discovered that I am 77% addicted to blogging.
Maybe that is because I am chipper and perky in my caffeine level.
The good news?
According to a vast array of other time-wasting, responsibility-eluding quizzes, I could survive 60 seconds in the vacuum of space, I could survive in my trapped house for 83 days, and my body could feed 9 cannibals.
I am of worth !!
Isn't that site great?
the link for the quiz doesn't work... not that I already don't know that I am addicted! And that cartoon is great!
I am glad you are addicted because my day is always better after I come and visit you!!! You always make me laugh or at least smile and I love the way you look at life and yourself.
I don't care what they say, you rock!
ROF!!! I took the addiction quiz, I was only 66%.... man I better get busy!
I am scared to go to that site... I am sure it will devour me and I will never make it back ... so far THREE folks who's blogs I read have fallen in and I love what they are coming back with....
and just so you know you made me SNORT this moring... I dont snort often... so you should feel proud!
I have internet addiction soooo bad.
But at least I have the best agricultural blog. Caution says so! Check out my new widget...
Wow1 Nine cannibals that's some body.
I was with you...right up to the cannibals ;)
That took some courage to admit. Because I'm there, and still in denial.
Hi, I'm Karen. I'm addicted to blogging and the internet in general. I get nothing else done all day.
There. That was a start.
You are so funny and right! I have become your follower!
I couldn't find that site - it's probably best!
NINE Cannibals? Really? You and I must have the same Blogger Butt:)
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