We are bagel slicers.
It's a nice job, and our church seems to think it's necessary. The problem is that other people do our job before we even arrive and we do arrive on time, so we stand around and feel as though we're greatly in the way.We probably are. But time after time, we are asked to come back for slicing duty. And time after time, we go - only to pout about someone usurping our job.
The Lord is beginning to deal with me about my attitude. I am learning that willingness to serve is important. I am learning that graciousness is important. I am learning that humbleness is important.
Then there's this last thing I've learned. Because they slice before we arrive, we are the only ones on the team who have not cut a finger. 

I suspect that the Lord still has a bit more work to do with me.
yeah for no sliced fingers, boo for getting up early!!!
Good point there about the willingness to serve.....maybe its more important than actually serving. I've had similar experiences in the past, too, where I'd be asked to show up for a church job but then it seemed I wasn't needed once I got there.
Well, you do have a point about getting there early with a young family and finding it was unnecessary. Maybe find a chair and chitchat with someone, or put your feet up in the library for some quiet. :)
I love your dry sense of humor. And the fact that you don't have booboo's. :)
I think that there is a message there. Don't know what it is. But a message nonetheless.
Not having sliced up fingers sounds like a good plan to me! Maybe they think you should be observing and will let you take over the whole job next time? Maybe...
lol yep... and no cut appendages is a good thing!
I agree with Mental Mama...there is a message here, just need to figure it out! :) I admire that you keep on going, even though you feel "unneeded".
The Lord is looking out for you! You'll get to slice in due time!
What was not reported here is that the slicers get first dibs on their favorite donut and/or bagel. That's what keeps us hanging on. It also helps to get the kids out the door.
There is definitely a message there...when you find it, please let us know.
What is it about churches, anyway? I have similar experiences where we are all asked to show up and then we climb over each other in the kitchen fighting over the same tasks.
That's it--no more Mrs. Nice Guy. I'll just bake a chocolate cake next time and sit and eat it in the corner with some freshly brewed coffee that took 10 people to make.
Oh dear. I think I might be afraid to take communion after hearing about that morning's finger mishaps.
When I was a kid, our job was to up to cut the crusts off of Wonder bread and then cube it(while it was still a little frozen). It was the only time our mom let us eat NON whole grain bread. So it was quite a treat.
Well, not only are your fingers intact, you ARE making yourselves available for that dangerous job! It's not your fault someone else insists on doing it first.
Just being willing and able is a good thing, too :)
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