...after looking at some pix of myself, I am quite horrified that the small crow's feet next to my eyes have grown into something resembling a dry riverbed. Additionally, there is a #1 which has engraved itself on my forehead right between my eyes. [FYI: the preferred pronunciation of forehead omits the /h/ sound . See what 4 degrees in English can get you?]
Back to my woes. Obviously, my magical concoctions and impulse buys aren't working in the anti-aging/anti-wrinkle department.
What products do I need to buy so that I can evolve from my current and luscious look?

Smiles. Lots of them. Yes, they make more lines...but you won't mind as much (and they're free)!
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who honestly knows bugger-all about those kinds of products and figures her face will just have to look like a roadmap because she can't be bothered)
I wish i knew so i could stop the map-like effect currently going on with lines on my own face. *sigh*
Drink lots of water and stay out of the sun.
freeze 24/7. You will want to marry it;)
You have a ONE also? I am just waiting with baited breath for mine to turn into the 11 that it will become one day...
I wish I had an answer.
ugh, wish I had an answer for you :( Cuz then I would have an answer for me :)
I gave up a long time ago with trying to reverse/stall the aging situation. I do use Wei East products though and I love them.
I stay away from the mirror!
join the club..;p
They're "laugh lines", aren't they.....not "crow's feet". Getting enough sleep is important for skin....I've convinced myself it is, anyhow. Also, I use a Mary Kay gel moisturizer during said sleep (a relative is a dealer, so I have to buy something from her) and I think it works well.
And...REALLY?....its fore-ed??
I have a 1 between my eyes too! A little closer to the left side, it is trying to turn into an eleven. UGH!
Drink lots of water. No soap on face. Use a facial cleanser in the morning and before bed at night -- never go to bed with make-up on. Use good moisturizer. And, of course, no sun. All the things that I have heard all my life, but only bought into when I started seeing wrinkles!
And, talk about a dry river bed, I had started getting really noticeable creases around my lips, so now I use Olay Regenerist lip plumper -- that really helps smooth them out.
And finally, I'll leave you with a line a beautiful on the inside but not on the outside friend told me she uses on her husband sometimes, "It's not a crime to be beautiful, is it? You're not going to arrest me, are you?" In the end, a sense of humor is the best aging cure around! :)
I'm also looking for the affordable miracle wrinkle cure, so let me know if you find it!
I love your comments. I think I like the idea that humor is the best aging cure best.
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