Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Going to be a Long Semester

On Monday, during a class discussion about thesis statements, a student raised her hand and asked a pressing question:
"Um. Could we, like, take a break now 'cause I need to take my birth control?"


Unknown said...

hehe....that IS pretty funny. Well, at least she won't fail THAT test.

Checkered said...

I hope you let her go. She should not procreate on this planet.

Julie said...

seriously, when are you going to write a book about your school life? I cannot believe what goes on at that college of yours! LOL Who says that? Especially out loud? lol

Julie said...

Amen to what Checkered said!

claudia said...

Were you able to keep a straight face? I wouldn't have been able to.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yeah, she needs to take extra and use condoms. we have enough dummies out there!

Mental P Mama said...

Tell her you'll excuse her for the week if she'll go get her tubes tied. gah

Rebecca Jo said...

oh my gosh... what was the reaction of everyone??? thats hilarious! was she blond?

I Am Woody said...

Seriously?!? How did you keep from laughing??

Decadent Housewife said...

Did you take her aside later and tutor her on public statements?

LadyFi said...

Oh my goodness! In front of the whole class?

Too funny.

betty said...

oh my gosh!! I'm sure they never taught this in student teaching on how to handle a situation like this

loved reading the comments everyone left too; almost as funny as her question


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Not just long September but a long year! I really want to know what your response was!

Lawyer Mom said...

Unbelievable. And I'll bet she voted in the last election.

Evansmom said...

What did you say or do?

Mrs4444 said...

Oh, man. Loved Checkered's comment. This was priceless.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

NO! You're joking, right? That's crazy.