Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday's Meme: Time's A Wastin'

I've been asked to share with you my favorite ways to waste time on the Internet thus causing you to waste time reading my list. Consider this list fiction since I am all about never wasting time. Is there an "Amen" out there....anyone?

1. Blogging. Enough said.
2. I'm not saying, of course, that YOUR blogs waste my time because they don't.
3. If enough time hasn't been eaten up, there is always Facebook, which I love so much I could marry it.
4. Who doesn't enjoy knowing I was playing Christmas music yesterday or that my long, long lost college friend was picking up candy wrappers in her car?
5. So I guess #4 was wrong because that is surely not wasting time.
6. If I'm desperate enough, I might stop by Twitter. I'm sorry, Lucy, but I just don't feel the Twitter love.
7. Sending endless emails to my children's teachers.
8. Checking the email every five minutes to see if they've responded yet.
9. Searching for dinner ideas by WW point value.
10. Trying to find a cheap exercise bench since Checkered won't drive me to Woody's house to buy her Bowflex.
11. Googling my name.

What do YOU do to waste time on the Internet?


Laura ~Peach~ said...

games on face crack.... shoot me now LOL...

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I agree, computer time is not "wasted" time, but I do all the same things as you, blog, FB, emails, twitter, yikes!

I Am Woody said...

I'll even give the Bowflex to you if you'll just come and get it!!!!!

MsTypo said...

I do far too many of those things!! LOL Googling myself chief among them. *giggle*

Unknown said...


Lately it's been You Tube listening to angry, "you're an asshole" music.

checking that email for responses...LOL

Did you know you can txt from from email?

Busy Bee Suz said...

Reading YOUR blog is never a waste of time...it makes me laugh and laughing burns calories. Hence, my dusty weight bench.

Mental P Mama said...

My list is endless. And embarrassing.

LadyFi said...

LOL! I waste time on blogging and Facebook - when not working... Also use Google a lot and Wikepdia.

Lorie said...

My list would be WAY too long to post! All of yours and THEN some!

betty said...

love your comment about Facebook and marrying it; cute list of spending time on line, mine is blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs and then more blogs :)


Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

I hate that the last update to my operating system automatically embedded a little timer at the top of my address bar that shows how much time I spend online.

In DAYS. Ugh.

Nancy C said...

Name your poison, I've had it: Facebook, Twitter, Blogity Blogs.

Then, there's the paranoid blog-tracking software to determine hits and/or comments.

I need an intervention.

joanne said...

love the list! Am I the only person on Earth not on FB?

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Waste time on the Internet?????NEVER!EVER! Shush your mouth!

Lawyer Mom said...

Economy blogs, CNBC and Drudge -- they are my black holes.

Lucy and Ethel said...

Well, Caution, if it makes you feel any better about Twitter, the cat stood on the keyboard yesterday as I was checking tweets, and I let THAT be my tweet.

I did ask for a secretary, and no one else applied.

I do believe that we may be related, except that I don't email my children's teachers, er, professors, and I haven't been checking WW dinners.

Not that I SHOULDN'T....

I did Google my name once and about fell out of the chair to see 'me' in a red bikini on a bod that was... well, suffice it to say that there is apparently an impersonator out there.


Nancy C said...

Congrats! You won the drawing for the $10 Starbucks gift card. Please forward info so I can mail you your card.


Troop Scoop said...

Checking my bank balance. It never moves in the right direction and is there a waste of time~