Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Whatever happened to asking for a Matchbox car?

My children have finally turned in their Christmas wish lists. Let's just say that the LEGO company should give me some kind of ginormous kick-back. Well, it's either that or sell the house.


T said...

I hear ya!

Here it would be iTunes and barbie!

MsTypo said...

I can't fault your kids' taste! I still like receiving Lego at Christmas. LOL

Busy Bee Suz said...

So funny. I suppose that is better than phones, computers, etc?????

Mental P Mama said...

I still love LEGOs! Ho Ho Ho

Checkered said...

What that means is that it will take me all Christmas day to build them so that they can play with them the rest of the break. Of course, I'm on stand-by, lest any repairs need to be made, which they usually do. Here's to you, LEGO!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I should have bought Lego stock!

Unknown said...

My CA grandkids almost live at the Lego Store...which has a 12 ft dinosaur. And Legoland is one of their fav. theme parks...ugh!!

betty said...

but those Lego toys are soooo great!! love how long it takes them to make some of the creations too (but I didn't like stepping on a Lego barefooted, LOL)

I bet they enjoy pouring over the Lego catalog when it comes in the mail


Nancy C said...

Your future engineers will someday buy their mother a beach house. Or build one out of Legos.

Lucy and Ethel said...

Another Lego-lover here!

So much to love about Legos, but that's a whole post :)


Decadent Housewife said...

You know, I actually found one of those errant little suckers last week. I thought I'd vacuumed them all up years ago.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...


Back in the '70's I had everything from the Greyhound bus to the red station wagon with the Monkeys (the band not the animals) hanging out the windows. A particular model of VW (not a bug, not a bus, but some sedan or hatchback) that was purple was one of my favorites.

You have my deepest sympathies on the Lego front. Been there, survived that. That too, does pass.

Kelli Nørgaard said...

My how times have changed! I can hook you up with all the "legos you can only get in DK"... My cousin (who is 29 years old) is always asking about certain lego sets he cannot get in the US..

Lawyer Mom said...

The advice I got 8 years ago, when my son was born, was "buy a bunch of batteries and stock in battery companies."

Today I tell new parents, "buy a bunch of batteries and stock in Lego."

Those guys are making a killing and helping podiatrists, too!

Mrs4444 said...

You'll love this Facebook update that my sister posted today:

"When I was little, I copied everything my sister did and she hated it. She wasn't as smart as Logan. He has "copyrighted" all his Lego creations. Caden can't copy them unless he "buys the copyright". And good little Caden adheres to the law." (for the record, the sister she's referring to is NOT me! :)