"What in the world am I looking at?" you say. Well, look closer!

Oh, yes. I am done being a student!!! And by the end of the week, my own students' grades will be submitted and I am going to read a book! Preferably, it will be a book that makes me smile or even laugh, that has a touch of love and is maybe even sexy, and has a happy ending.
Now, would you please tell me what the title of that book is so that I can get to the library ASAP?
WHOOOHOOOO! Congratulations Lady!
Ok - I have an easy, fun (and seriously sexy) series for you to start......The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris (the HBO series True Blood is based on them).
Congratulations... especially since it looks like you came so close to failing :)
I wish I could recommend MY book, but I'm still waiting. GRRRR....
Find something fun!!!
woooo hoooo look at you!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!! You are so darn smart...I hope you get a cake and presents for all your hard work.
No book advice..I can hardly get through a magazine as of late.
Congratulations! That's awesome. The Blind Side is incredible and even better than the movie...a must read.
Congratulations, you did so well! It must feel nice to be able to see the end and anticipate being done with your students' grades.
I look forward to reading a book after I'm done this week as well. I've just bought my last book of the Twilight saga so I'm looking forward to reading it (there are so many flaws in the writing and the story line but I just CAN'T stop reading it).
W00t!!! Way to go! Have you ever read "Lonesome Dove"? A wonderful read!
Perfection at it's finest! Congratulations.
Perfection at it's finest! Congratulations.
[Stopping by from SITS]
Well done, wife.
The book: Our Life by Checkered and Caution
I couldn't put it down.
Way to go girl!
Congratulations!! But, from the looks of that grade, you might want to study a bit harder next time;)
woo hoo! I say even this week's edition of the NAtional Enquirer would be good for some NON academic reading!!! Congrats!
Love, sexy, happy ending? Anything in the paperback section. Usually with a sexy man or damsel in distress on the cover.
YAY! You've earned a break, enjoy it!
congratulations!! very nicely done! I just finished reading Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner; it was good and light reading
Yay for you Ms. Smarty Pants!!!!
I would suggest anything by Jennifer Weiner! My mom would suggest Nora Roberts. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
Well done you! That's amazing!
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