~You know I love Fridays: pizza night, no homework, and Friday Fragments!!!!!
~My daughter paid $17 for her Snowcoming dress. Her friend paid $10. I'm sending them shopping for me next time I need a dress. Mine might need to cover more body parts though.
~I love making new friendships, but may have overdone it at the new Walmart. I do, however, feel very popular when I go there and that may explain quite a lot.
~My daughter tagged me on this image on Facebook this week. Grammar aside, I was grateful.

~Last week, the Sunday school lesson focused on Martha and Mary. So often, in my childhood, I heard Martha portrayed as nagging, petty, shallow, but one thing I learned as I studied and wrote my discussion questions was that Martha was the one who invited Jesus to come teach in her home. She was a leader. She was spiritually hungry. I like her much better now.
~Last week I mentioned that I needed a ladder or two for my boys' beds. My neighbor and
~Pepper the dog has become a food thief. The cuteness of that is akin to John Edwards' cuteness these days.
~Still reeling from my accidental acquiescence to a camping vacation next summer, I listened as Checkered called a seller who had listed a pop-up camper on Craigslist. Checkered kept apologizing because the man couldn't hear him - even as the seller got increasingly frustrated at Checkered's mumbling. The seller eventually figured out that he was holding his phone upside down. And no, we did NOT buy that camper.
Great FF! Love the camper story.
Are you serious about the camper? That's awesome.
Also I swear they announce my arrival at Wal-Mart b/c I feel very popular when I'm there. People I don't know approach me to talk about their lives. It take forever to get out of there.
Snowcoming? Never heard of that... that's a great name for a dance!
I forgot to tell you at lunch the other day...I'd visited your recommended hairdresser at Walmart for my latest haircut. Thanks for the tip. I really liked her.
I love the FB tag. It's priceless.
I look forward to your Friday Fragments too. :-)
I like Martha too. I can relate to her. My Sierra is an egg thief. But the dozen! Happy Friday Caution and good luck on the camper hunting.
I think your daughter might need to go dress shopping for me too!
Love the whole camper story.
Oh and Martha is my kinda girl!
Happy Friday!
You always make me laugh and smile with these posts...your family is great and so are YOU. Well, you and Martha!
I shall rename you the Queen of Walmart!!
Ha ha ha! You are so funny!I loved every one of these! My favorite, though, is the phone being upside down! Yeah, probably not best to purchase anything from that man!
Thank you for visiting my blog this morning!
I really wish I could find dresses that fit for that price! When I find a dress I like, I usually do not like the price tag!
The Mary and Martha Bible story is one of my favorites!
LOL..that Pepper/John Edwards cuteness. LOL. And those girls need to teach me how to shop!
Looking forward to camping stories.
The phone/camper story is a hoot! Probably wise to skip that one :)
Lucy, from the state of John Edwards (but not FROM here, if that counts for anything...)
I blurted out a big laugh at that camper story...too funny!
Dogs are like that...yeah, they are...my dog is now the official paper picker upper in the house. I'm not sure they all come off the floor, I think he goes and gets them out of the waste can for extra credit!
It's so cool you put the word out for the ladder and then you had one...YAY! Even better that your son likes it!
Happy Weekend to you!
Poor Hen. I once had a student by the name of Robert Trouble Taylor. Yup-His middle name was Trouble. Some parents.....
Hooray on the dress shopping finds!! There's a new store in Green Bay called Prom-Exchange, where you can buy or sell gently used prom dresses. Can't wait to go there!!
How nice of Won! :)
Have a great weekend...
I wouldn't have bought the camper either! What sort of crazy things could've happened to it being owned by upside down phone man... geez!
I must say I've never heard the name Hen for a person before.
your daughter must have wonderful bargain sense
I love that your daughter looks great on a BUDGET!
That's great about the ladder!
How great that you got to meet Won for lunch and get a ladder!
Glad that you didn't buy the camper! What the heck!
I bet your daughter looked great with her bargain haircut and dress!
Happy Weekend!
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