Time for Friday Fragments. Wouldn't you just love to meet Mrs. 4444 in person? I surely would!
**Someone destroyed our mailbox one night last week, so Checkered put the new one up on the "safer" side of the driveway. The problem is that the safer spot is right smack-dab in the middle of my pre-existing tire tracks. I'm apologizing up-front, Checkered, as I fear for the safety of the new mailbox.

**Said with a mix of braggadocio and love the other night, "Wow, Daddy, you're even grosser than I am and I'm pretty gross!"
**Our son came home from his buddy's house singing the joys of their bread machine. We replied, "We used to have one. Didn't like it. Gave it away." That same line was repeated for 24 hours, then we bought a new bread machine. Yes, we are in love.
**I also love Iced Caps from Tim Horton's even though they're kind of nasty tasting. Yesterday, one of my students was arguing in class about global warming and she mentioned how the ice caps were melting. Honestly, I did NOT hear a thing after she said, "...ice cap..." and yes, I did stop at Tim Horton's after class.
**I need a ladder or two for our loft beds, but never dreamed they would cost so much!
**Have you met Nancy? You should because she is a clever, clever writer. She has proposed a grand idea for bloggers. What if each blogger gave one hour of service to their community for each blog follower they have? I am so glad I have only a few followers - not that I'm counting. P.S. Nancy says watching your friends' kids and doing work for your church counts so I might already be done for 2010 !!!!!!
**Lionel Richie was in my radio singing "Sail On" this week and I sang along with gusto. Sadly, it seems that the only accurate lyrics I know are, "But I'm giving you back your name." A weaker person would have let that stop their singing.
**Mr. Asthma is now running a fever of 102. Looks like a week-end close to the house and I am A-OK with that. What's up with your week-end?
So bread machines really are cool, eh? I've been thinking about getting one but am kinda scared what that little piece of machinery would do for my diet?!
We've had a bread machine for years, it tends to sit on the bench gathering dust for months at a time and then for no discernible reason we'll suddenly start using it regularly again. Waking up to freshly baked bread is rather wonderful.
mmmmm... home made bread! That just looks so yummy. And yes, I could eat that whole thing myself!
haircuts and staying close to home.
I might even make some bread.
hope Mr A. feels better soon.
Not knowing the lyrics is a good reason to sing louder!!
Good luck with the mailbox!
I've never had a bread maker and I don't know why because I could live on good fresh bread and butter. Lord only knows how much bigger I'd be!
Lionel Richie....now that's something I could handle.
I hope Mr. Asthma is on the mend!!!
Now, push your nose really close to your monitor. Can you smell that? Good right? I am baking a loaf of cheese/onion bread to go with dinner tonight.
We love our bread maker!!!!!
Have a great weekend!
So...were you the one that had an 'incident' with your mailbox? ;)
I haven't used my bread machine in so long...I really should use it more. But I might use it more if it made a loaf of bread that wasn't standing up on end like mine does...might have to give mine away and get a new one! ;)
LOL @ the mailboxcapades. And I hope our little guy is better soon...what is an ice cap?
The bread looks awesome!!!
That was a three exclamation point awesome, in case you hadn't noticed.
I don't know what kind of ladder you need, but I actually have one that I will never use. I think it is only made for screwing into the bedframe. It is a light oak color. If you have any interest, I could measure it and shoot you a photo.
Thanks for passing that on...I think I'm well on my way...made a meal for a friend, watching a kid on Tuesday....Hmmm...maybe if you make some bread and ship it to MD you'll take care of another hour? :)
That bread looks super!
Hope your little guy improves.
I've been thinking a lot about bread machines lately . . . and this post has just about sold me.
Sadly my bread machine was relegated to the basement - but your loaf looked so yummy I may have to bring it back up!
Weekend of house cleaning, getting ready to start classes back up and once again my favorite thing - badgering Rm''s teacher.
My mom was a bread-making machine, back in the day...
I love you, too, Caution, (really) and I would LOVE to meet you. And BTW, your page is beautiful.
Sorry about your little guy; I hope he feels better soon.
Try Craigslist for those ladders!
I took out our mailbox our first year here. So embarrassing!!!
Hope the fever has gone down, that you got lots of baking done and that your mailbox is still standing!
A bread machine...Lawz a mercy, like my rear end doesn't already need it's own zip code.
Umm, I can't get past that delicious looking loaf of bread...mmmmm bread......warm with butter......time to head to the kitchen!
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