Emptying my think tank - fragmented thought by fragmented thought.

~Why, when she bumped my car this week, did the other school mother get annoyed that I pulled over to check for damage? "It's just a bump!" she repeatedly yelled from inside her car. It was a bump for my car, but a dent for hers. I considered yelling, "It's just a dent for yours!"
~Do you remember how I had a dream on Tuesday morning about my friend being able to read my thoughts? When I saw her after the dream, I purposely tried to make my mind blank. One can never be sure...
~I have come to believe that thinking is highly over-rated.
~My student always reads a novel throughout the class. When I asked her to put the novel away, she told me that it's what she always does EVERY TIME SHE TAKES THIS CLASS. I wasn't brave enough to ask how many times she's attempted the class
~Is there anything more delicious than a snow day?
~Birthday sleepover party here tonight! It's my 8 year old's first sleepover and he is beside himself with joy.
~Contrary to what I may have thought, mild and fiery hot are not synonyms.
~I still can't figure out why I absolutely love the movie, "O Brother, Where Art Thou."
~New experiment for next week: I will speak only in dog language to my children. A sniff here, a little lick there.
Now accepting wagers for how long it will take them to notice.
~Why, when she bumped my car this week, did the other school mother get annoyed that I pulled over to check for damage? "It's just a bump!" she repeatedly yelled from inside her car. It was a bump for my car, but a dent for hers. I considered yelling, "It's just a dent for yours!"
~Do you remember how I had a dream on Tuesday morning about my friend being able to read my thoughts? When I saw her after the dream, I purposely tried to make my mind blank. One can never be sure...
~I have come to believe that thinking is highly over-rated.
~My student always reads a novel throughout the class. When I asked her to put the novel away, she told me that it's what she always does EVERY TIME SHE TAKES THIS CLASS. I wasn't brave enough to ask how many times she's attempted the class
~Is there anything more delicious than a snow day?
~Birthday sleepover party here tonight! It's my 8 year old's first sleepover and he is beside himself with joy.
~Contrary to what I may have thought, mild and fiery hot are not synonyms.
~I still can't figure out why I absolutely love the movie, "O Brother, Where Art Thou."
~New experiment for next week: I will speak only in dog language to my children. A sniff here, a little lick there.
Now accepting wagers for how long it will take them to notice.
Hilarious... love the last thought about talking dog language.
And enjoy the sleepover!
Heh, heh :)
wow hope all is well and everyone had a great time with the sleepover.
If we could make money off sleepovers, I would be rich by now. Treat our house like a hotel and charge.
I love your snippet about keeping your mind blank, just in case.
Nice FF post.
Glad you are feeling better. Hope the sleepover goes well.
You are too silly. I love silly!!
I have never tried to make my mind 'blank'...it just happens naturally.
Have a fun weekend...sniff, lick, toot!!!
I say the third lick someone around there will be on to you!
Sleepovers...oh the joy!
And just so you know...I was born with a blank mind ;)
the sleepover sounds like fun! hope it goes well
Let me know how the dog technique works...I may try it on mine! And that girl in class? Unbelievable!
Don't know how long it will take them to notice your dog language. Just don't lift your leg!
Even though I don't believe in mind reading, I'd blank out my mind too. Actually, I do that every day now that I'm retired.
Happy sleepover!
"Is there anything more delicious than a snow day?" You're kidding, right?? :/
"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou" Where do I even begin?? LOVE that movie!! We first saw it one summer when we were on vacation. It kept four adults and five children quiet for two hours....no easy feat;) See ya later! I need to r-u-n-n o-f-t...
Dog language sounds good. Sounds very good.
Let us know if it makes a difference.
Oh come on...now you have to ask that student how many times she has attempted that class...exquiring minds now want to know!
Love your dog language. I would love to be a fly on the wall to see the looks on their faces!
Happy weekend to you!
I'm going to be the one who bets they don't notice the dog language unless and until you pee on the living room rug and gnaw on a boot.
Snow days are definitely delicious.
I'm thinking the dog language will be noticed PDQ - especially if it happens during the sleepover!
1 snow day is fun.
6 is get out of my house!
A tap on the bumper cost me $800 (well, if I ever find the money to get it fixed, that is.)
Every time, huh? Did you tell her that might be the problem?
Dog language, huh? Okay, now you're scaring me. Hope you get another snow day!!
This was fun.
And the dog talk? "Ginger, blah blah blah blah." Wonder what they'll hear from you . . . ? ; )
Are you a Dapper Dan Man?
Hope you survived the sleepover.
On O Brother, because of the actors!
At least that student reads.
You're right about the thinking thing.
Great post!
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