Friday, February 26, 2010

FF: Planning for the Future

~Did you know that I just figured out how to follow a non-Blogger blog? Oh yes I'm quick.

~Do NOT buy the Great Value brand Cranberry Apple drink mix. Just don't do it.

~My Lenten-induced Facebook abstinence is going remarkably slowly. Giving up television would have been so much easier. Shoot, giving up eating would have been easier.

~I continue to read posts where bloggers mention the unexpected joys of forming real friendships via blogging. Truer words have not been spoken.

~That's why I'm making a real effort now to be a more faithful blogger.

~And then someday I'm going to travel all around and meet you IRL.

~I've already publicly threatened to visit Mrs. 4444, our favorite Friday Fragment hostess.
Mommy's Idea

~A bathroom-less pop-up camper is now living in my garage and I am accepting all camping excuses suggestions. Thanks in advance for your help.

~Don't worry, when I come to visit you, I won't put the camper in your FRONT yard, but that no bathroom thing could be a bit of a problem during our visit.

~Last night I reannounced to my family that when I have my next birthday in 102 months, I would like re-gifts. My husband and children are to take something they already own and regift it to me. I suppose it would have been nobler to say, "no gifts," but this IS me talking after all. I realized I may have to do some major rethinking of the regifting when my daughter enthusiastically mentioned a purse she owns and how she hopes I won't be bothered by all the nail polish she's spilled on it.


Jientje said...

I enjoyed reading this pĂȘle-mĂȘle of thoughts, snippets from your life. I agree, meeting bloggers in real life is special.

Dumb Mom said...

I think I could have given up Facebook, but only b/c the updates come to my email so I can read them without logging in. But, blogging or TV would have been horrible!

Unknown said...

The only reason I even go to Facebook is to play Bejeweled Blitz.

You need to take that bathroomless camper to Blog Fest in Mathews,VA in July. It's the perfect place to have fun and meet some really nice bloggers.

Mental P Mama said...

I love your frags!! And the new Header! The camper? I got nuthin'. Although Blogfest in Virginia is a great place to try it out!

Jennifer Warthan said...

One of the attendees at the photography exhibit will be a girl I have known online since 2001. It's like penpals, but MUCH better!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I hope the nail polish was at least a nice color.
When you come to my house, you can give the camper a rest. We have a guest room for you guys.
I love most of my blogger friends too and would love to meet them in person!!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

You're coming to meet us all??? When can I expect you???

Hallie :)

Matty said...

I had Faceboook for a few months and closed it down. I lost interest.

I'm hoping to meet some bloggers IRL for the first time this year. A couple from Boston is coming down for a Red Sox/Phillies game, and we're heading to the outer banks in July and I hope to meet a guy blogger there.

I haven't been bowling in a long time, and I used to be decent at it. However, I do have my own shoes, so losing them wouldn't be an option.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Bring that camper to blogfest.CBW has a bathroomless popup to and I have a slide in camper that goes in the back of the pickup truck. You can camp with us. And meet great bloggers IRL! Get a pee pot for night time.
Now tell me how to follow a non blogger. You are quicker than me!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Me first! Me first! For the IRL visit :-) The re-gift idea is brilliant-- SUCH a good idea.

Googling Lenton now (and you think you're quick?)

imbeingheldhostage said...

Now I feel stupid. You mean Lent. I really did google lentOn. I thought it was some new rid-yourself-of-time-wasters movement or something.
sheepishly ducking out of the room now...

Rick said...

I've made some very interesting friendships via blogging. It's strange - I know these people, but I've never met them.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Now that's a heck of a way to keep down the clutter...just regift whats already in the house! Heeeheehe!

Ya'll can come and bring your pop~up to this Ozark farm chicks yard anytime. I've got a full acre yard that sits smack in the middle of the Ponderosa.

God bless ya'll!!!

Nancy C said...

I would love the IRL World Tour...there are people in all parts of the world I would LOVE to meet.

Ms Martyr said...

We used to have a pop-up trailer. My husband put a portable chemical toilet in it and that worked in campgrounds that didn't offer other facilities. Everyone could exit outside while it was in use.

Ours was not airtight and mosquitos got in by the millions. I also got annoyed with having to have everything inside balanced by weight in order to haul it. Setting it up so that it was level was also no picnic. I lusted after the motorhomes with their fancy-schmancy options. I think we got rid of it after two camping seasons.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Checkered.loves.Caution said...

Regift? That's easy. I'll just buy myself a lot of stuff and give you what I don't want.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Too bad the former owners of our house removed the outhouse (circa 1817). It would have been near the driveway, so you could have parked your camper right there for convenience. ;)

Mrs4444 said...

Some of my dearest friends are those I've met via blogging. I only wish I could meet more, like you, of course!!

You could camp right in the woods next to our house, and I would even let you use our bathroom, and maybe even a shower! Think on it...

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I just wanted to thank ya'll for your visit and hoppin' on my blog.

God bless and in the words of old Granny Clampett, " ya'll come back now, ya hear???

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

You are welcome to come and visit me and I totally understand if you want to wait until after the tsunami wave hits here today.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Love the new header.

I'm going to have to second or third the suggestion to bring that pop-up camper to Virginia for Blog Fest in July. I promise you, you'll have a grand time. I stay in a pop-up as well, so that people like Grandma J. can sleep in a bedroom. The yard overlooks the creek and is protected by Gustave the Goose. It's all good. Crazy but good.

Aside from that, I'd recommend a family trip to the Tetons in Wyoming, followed by Yellowstone.

Lawyer Mom said...

Hmm. Well, if you're going to have to camp in a camper, which is better than a tent, I suppose, at least you've got a bathroom nearby. But maybe I'm late to the party and need to read some of your earlier posts? ; )

Claudya Martinez said...

As long as your nails match or compliment the polish stains on the purse, you will look fantastic.

I Am Woody said...

You are formally invited to park your camper in my driveway. Then leave your hard-core campmates out there and you can have the guest bedroom:)

Karen Deborah said...

A bathroomless camper is not so bad. You can come visit anytime. If you go to the blogfest in Virgina you will have a blast and it might just be a great idea to take that camper along and a friend!
Regifting at home is an interesting idea I may have to think on that. i think you could let your daughter know that the handbag might get regifted back...

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love camping! Have fun.
I don't know how to follow a non-blogger I'm behind you!