Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm an excellent wife; I'm an excellent mother ...

My back-to-nature quest started when Checkered asked for this as a wedding gift. I thought it would be romantic and good for us. That positive feeling lasted until I learned there was no bathroom.

A few years later, with a potty training toddler and another baby due in a month, we moved up to something that looked like this because it would be better for us. That "good for us" feeling lasted one trip.

Two babies after that, with our family out of sleeping room in the Nomad, the transition was to this: I can't say that I ever experienced any feeling whatsoever about this one.

Last year we finally made it to this: Now that felt good!

But then I began to think of nature and how much fun the neighbors have when they camp. Resonating in my memory were images of father/son bonding, birds chirping, togetherness, something that could fit inside our garage, and I suggested we buy this:

I'm an excellent wife; I'm an excellent mother ...
I'm an excellent wife; I'm an excellent mother ...

How long do you suppose I'll have to say that before I really feel we did the right thing?


Laura ~Peach~ said...

you will feel better when you get one of the ones that you actually get into and drive. my cousins have one and they love it... my bio parents had one it was amazing... when my older brother stayed with them he lived out in it!
that pop up... ewww what were you thinking ... honestly?? I am more comfort suites kind of gal but we do have 2 of those wedding presents you had....

Anonymous said...

I love to camp. With a toddler I would go for the hotel with two rooms. Stopping by from SITS!

Jennifer Warthan said...

You're a braver, better woman than I am. Fortunately the Cotton Husband is also allergic to leaving home.

Mental P Mama said...

Sorry. My idea of camping is a hotel without room service. I am THAT old lady;)

I Am Woody said...

I love to camp!! And we've never made it out of the tent:)

T said...

These are fun!

Not only do you feel like your tent camping - you have the stability of a building around you!!

Helen McGinn said...

I never got there.... ;O) I will camp within twenty feet of proper accommodation, just incase. This is Scotland after all....brrrrr.

Lucy and Ethel said...

Yes, you are excellent and brave and generous.

Should you decide to bring your home on wheels to NC, though, just holler :)


Nancy C said...

Perhaps that could be for the boys, and the Comfort Inn could be for mom. Everybody wins. Daughter can choose, depending on her mood.

betty said...

LOL; you definitely are a good mom/wife. I'm not much of a camper, my idea is the cheaper hotel without room service

it is supposed to be a fun family activity from what I have heard, enjoy!


Peggy said...

I just have to tell you how much my father loves his motor home. Loves it. Every summer he parks the beast at Libby's, overlooking Lobster Cove and Long Sands Beach in York, Maine.

And dad practically lives there from May until October.

May your camping days be bliss!

Power to the SITStas!

Decadent Housewife said...

Keep saying it. :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This will bring you all very "close" on your trip. :)
You are an excellent wife and and and excellent mother.
Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I love camping. I say pack it on up and head to blogfest in July. Ya'll can camp next to us and CBW!
ps-I'm giving free tours of our slide in camper!

LadyFi said...

You are indeed a saint!