Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Happiness Project: Watching the Neighbors

Tuesdays have gotten much better since Leigh introduced the Happiness Project.

So what makes me happy today?
A front porch that holds two rockers which have not, as yet, been stolen.
But if they ever do get stolen, it might be okay because they don't really rock very well.


Unknown said...

We enjoy sitting out and watching too...for some reason we always have it in our heads that they can't see us being snoopy...lol!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Those rockers look comfy!

Jennifer Warthan said...

You need to get your husband to act mean and sullen in public. No one will even smash your pumpkins that reside at the end of a long, long driveway.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I would love a front porch to rock on.

I Am Woody said...

I love a porch! I could rock all day...

Kristie said...

stopping by from the happiness project - love your blog!!!! :-) *toodles*

Christy said...

haha, those look awesome! I hope they don't get stolen. You should take your camera out there and take random pictures of the neighbors too. uh no..i'm not a stalcker, but it would make a good blog!

MoMo 2.0 said...

I agree....2 rockers....growing old together... now, that's happiness!


That's a pretty serene looking photo. :o)

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so funny. I suppose chaining them to the post would defeat the purpose of having them?

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd love to have that at my house too. BTW, I am sending the complainers over. :0)

Nancy C said...

I have my eye on those exact rockers...except knowing that they don't work, I may look elsewhere.

Mrs4444 said...

I hope you've had nice enough weather to sit in those this week :)

Danielle said...

Love sitting on the porch when the weather is good!

Actuary Mom said...

what a great image - sitting on the front porch rocking. :)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I'm sorry, but I'm still stuck on the fact that your husband won a pie eating contest. To tie that statement to your post, perhaps your husband could sit in one of those rockers which don't rock very well, and reenact the pie eating thing.

The Happiness Project sounds like a great idea.

betty said...

rockers rock!! sorry, little (sick) humor here. That looks like a very welcoming front porch with those rockers. I do hope they stay put.

great picture of what makes a happiness for you


Unknown said...

those rockers look nice. Maybe I'll steal them. :))

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

my porch makes me happy too!