Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Yes, he's wearing his winter pajamas ...

... even though it's 63 degrees outside and sunny.

But he is using that brain of his and working hard ...

...even if it is to build a barricade to keep his siblings out.


Lucy and Ethel said...

Yep, keeping your siblings OUT of your spot is much more important than attire.

Not that I'd know or anything....


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Smart boy!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I always work better in my PJ's.
I hope he gets the privacy he WANTs. :)

I Am Woody said...

Everyone needs a little alone time in their pjs:)

Big Hair Envy said...

Pesky siblings!! Who needs 'em?

joanne said...

what's wrong with wearing your pj's all day??

Prairiemaid said...

I am not going to say the obvious - that I home school so I can stay in my pjs - although, it is handy!

I think it is a very cool project he was involved in. A (little) man, with a plan! Gotta love 'em.


Anonymous said...

Pajamas is the secret key ingredient when building barricades!

Unknown said...

I have Sponge Bob jammies too! He's adorable.

Julie said...

love that he is wearing jammies! I want to come play in your backyard with my boys... that looks so fun, I see a trampoline too, right? FUN FUN