Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ABC Wednesday: O is for Open

I made her acquaintance through mutual friends.  They had little use for her, so that's the approach I took, also.  For years she would attempt conversations with me, and I would remain very reserved and polite, but never warm.  After all, those mutual friends had good reason not to like her.

Then circumstances changed and my path began to cross regularly with her path.  She spoke to me every time.  Not just, "Hi," but genuine, gracious conversation.  Somewhere in there I began to pray and ask the Lord to allow me to see others through His eyes - not her - just others in general.  That was a sizable prayer with its own obligations, but what I began to see bothered me.

I saw her faithfulness to others.  I saw her always willing to listen.  To help.  To support. And instead of being drawn to her, I supposed that she was working very hard to be someone special.  And for that, I chose to remain aloof from her.

But how can one pray but be unwilling to accept the answer? So I continued to pray.

And  then, amazingly, my ears, my eyes, and my heart were Opened.

I heard her tell me that she shuddered at past decisions and mistakes.  I heard her say she was tempted to withdraw from life and hide, but that God's grace had found her.  I saw her gently cradle the devastated widow.  I saw her hold the hand of the mother whose child is breaking her heart.  I watched as she helped a fractured family find their way to healing.

And when she sat down for a visit with me the other day, my heart smiled at her, my friend.

For other less preachy and more interesting O's, go here!


T said...

Beautiful post.

A good reminder to see a person Ourselves, not as others tell us to.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is beautiful. You are such a wonderful teacher...for all of us.

Mental P Mama said...

I am covered in chills. A wonderful reminder....

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Excellent reminder! And cool blog background! :)

claudia said...

Thank you for that morning eye opener...I think we all need to be reminded from time to time.

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful post!!

Unknown said...

A lesson worth reading over and over. Thank you.

Unknown said...

A lesson worth reading over and over. Thank you.

Kim, USA said...

Great post! Happy weekend!

ABC Wednesday~O

One Photo said...

It takes time to really get to know someone, but we are all very quick to make judgements based on what we initially see and hear. Not all that glitters is gold, and not all that at first appears not to shine turns out that way. A lesson I need to work on!

Roger Owen Green said...

It's OFTEN difficult to be OPEN to others; bravo to you!

ROGER, ABC Wednesday team

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

You're a blessing!

joanne said...

lovely...just lovely.

Robin said...

Prayer is powerful. However, it is often not what we actually want. That seems so contradictory. I never pray for patience. Oh to pray for patience means that I will have occasion after occasion where I will need it. Isn't life frustrating enough? It's bold to pray to be open. God will open your eyes to things you don't WANT to see, people you don't WANT to see, and situations that you wish weren't happening. It will force you to choose. You can continue to do nothing (as you are now) or you can change. The difference is that now you KNOW and before you didn't. I was with you all the way on this one. You saw for a lont time before you could actually take action. People do that all the time. Some of them see and never take action. Great post.

Unknown said...

I love this post. I think we all need this reminder from time to time.

Prairiemaid said...

Beautiful post!
