Monday, April 19, 2010

You Know It's a Slow News Day When ...

... the leading story in the paper is about a crime that was committed on the campus of the school where I work. However, they didn't know:
  • what happened
  • who was involved
  • or any other detail.

BUT they did promise to tell us something if they ever found out!


Julie said...

seriously you need to write a book! Oh my

Lucy and Ethel said...

And I'm sure you're holding your breath :)


Busy Bee Suz said...

OMG. I bet you knew more than the news people.

Mental P Mama said...

LOL...sounds like the campus paper could use a new advisor....

Evansmom said...

The school found a written threat towards my son and another student this fall. They called to tell me that it had been made but 1) not who made it or 2) what it said. They did remove the student from the school and they don't expect him to return. They did tell me that they didn't think it was serious (why remove him from school then?) and that my son didn't have any interaction with this student. Pretty scary phone call, I tell you. I understand privacy but what about the safety of the students who were threatened?

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...
