Monday, May 3, 2010

Can we outlaw bad days?

In the time-frame of two hours on Sunday night, my daughter told me that she would never want to take a vacation with me again.  My middle son fretted over the number of gray hairs on my head.  My youngest son pronounced my stomach, "Jiggly." My oldest son sat his soaking wet self down on the computer chair and never thought to tell me before I sat down after him ...  AND ... my spray-on tan produced slightly blotchy knees and one orange hand.

How was your Sunday?


Evansmom said...

Aren't kids fun? My Sunday was better than yours apparently! Hope you have an awesome week!

Lucy and Ethel said...

My Sunday was quite interesting, too; however, my 'kids' would be more apt to mention hairs that were not gray or ANYthing that wasn't jiggly.

And I'm not sure a spray tan would work well over the poison ivy....


T said...


Mine was spent talking kids down from quitting their play. I'm thinking they are so tired of hearing the "responsibility" speech.

MoMo 2.0 said...

I pulled weeds for 2 hours and discovered how old I really am...
then cleaned the garden furniture from all the Danish winter fungus gunk and now have green fingernails.

That would go great with your orange hand!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh...when it rains, it pours.
My Sunday was better than yours, but I don't want to rub it in.
If it helps, I would like to take a vacation with you. If you are not orange that is.

I Am Woody said...

AB asked if I had a baby in my tummy....

One Photo said...

Oh poor you - your orange hands reminded me of when a friend of mine decided to fake tan herself right before a first, very important weekend away with a new man. You know, THAT weekend......only she made a complete mess of it, with orange hands, stripey feet and blotches everywhere. I laughed until I almost cried when I saw her, and in the end so did she.

Decadent Housewife said...

Different than yours, but just as weird.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

LOL- Little T tells me I have giggly arms!
Our Sunday was a day of worship and thankfulness!

Cyndy Bush said...

Fabulous! Sounds just like stuff my kids would do/say.

Matty said...

Sounds perfectly normal to me. What are you complaining about? LOL

Lawyer Mom said...

Ooof. That sounds worse than even a Monday!