Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Foray into the Daybook

I usually participate in ABC Wednesdays, but am short of "Q" words!  SO...

Taking a cue from PrairieMaid, I'm participating in Simple Woman's Daybook. While I understand the context of "simple" in this sentence, it bothers me nonetheless.

Outside my sun for my dog to bask in.
I am thinking...I could have better handled frustration with my daughter.
I am thankful for...students who laugh when I make a joke and hug me on the last day of class.
From the learning game sounds. I know: it's not right.
From the kitchen...come no wonderful odors.  What ARE we having for dinner?
I am Ole Miss shirt -- which my husband thinks quite appropriate.
I am creating.... a scrap book for my son with memorabilia from his musical.  Okay, I'm just thinking about it.
I am going... to get to the bottom of that volcano of laundry...someday.
I am reading...Sizzle by Julie Garwood
I am find cheap dog care for vacation week this summer.
I am hearing...birds, leaves, and wind chimes in full conversation.
Around the house...are bits of freshly cut grass, muddy paw prints, clutter, and a mom wondering if the expensive steam mop with an extractor would be preferable to a cheaper one with a reusable pad.
One of my favorite things...a bra without wires.  Sometimes drooping is better.
A few plans for the rest of the week: grading/report cards/ice cream.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...Ongoing push for world domination by my boys! They play every day :)


Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is... said...

popped over from SITS.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this!!!
I agree with you on the bra situation.
YES, upgrade on the steam mop!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I'll have to try this. I love your grateful one.

One Photo said...

Love your thoughts! Hope things work out with your daughter!

Ally said...

I love the way you did this post. It's so sweet. Funny about the bra thing, I WISH I could skip the wires, I always laugh when I see my huge size without them. I wonder who can sport a DDD without wires. Those things would be down to the floor! Sorry for the XXX comment :(

Decadent Housewife said...

So what kind of odors did come from the kitchen?

Jientje said...

No sun here either. In fact, it's so cold it feels like Winter all over again!