Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cheap Labor

Thinking the yard looked a bit untamed, I gave the boys pruning shears and set them loose on the landscaping.  They worked hard enough to fill the yard waste trash container. They also cut away most of the new blooms on the rose bushes, chopped down all my wild flowers, and trampled my struggling hibiscus.

The yard does look less cluttered and the boys are proud of their work.  We had ice cream to celebrate.


Cranberry Morning said...

Wow! Just make sure never to send them out with the big Round Up sprayer to kill weeds! ;-)

The Ninja said...

Well, at least they pruned. My kids would take the shears, go outside and then place them on the ground before taking off for parts unknown on their bikes.

mom x 2 said...

Ha- Puppies do the same thing. Except they don't fill up trash cans, they just eat it! Always good to put boys to work :)

I Am Woody said...

Send them to my house. I can't even imagine what our landscaping looks like since we are gone!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Send them my way! I have ice cream and cookies!

Mental P Mama said...

LOL. men should never be allowed to handle the garden shears...I have lost many-a shrub that way!

Lucy and Ethel said...

I guess you got what you paid for :)

Yippee for the ice cream!

And you shouldn't have to worry about pruning for a few years....


Unknown said...

My sister once cut her name into the yard with a Dad never et her cut the grass again. Did they think maybe the same thing would happen? What good boys!!

Lawyer Mom said...

Looks like you Tom Sawyered them pretty good!

Busy Bee Suz said...

There is a fine line between pruning and butchering. :(

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Did you salvage any for a vase on the table?
At least they didn't prune a finger or anything....

imbeingheldhostage said...

LOL. I'd put my boys in the garden but there's some things out there that I'm really attached to. :-(