Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Germs, Fog, and Missing a Hotel

It would be so nice if I could find a blog - posting program for my phone which would allow me to post more than one photo!  Nevertheless,  this photo sums up our day yesterday.  We rode the cog railroad up Pikes Peak and thoroughly enjoyed the ascent. Beautiful.  Fascinating.  Unique. 

Unfortunately,  a major thunderstorm also made the ascent, too, so the visibility was zero from the summit.  We shivered in the 38 degree weather,  and our feverish birthday boy shivered long after we returned to our very chilly campground,

As a gesture of graciousness,  I have offered to let that sick boy sit in the front during our long ride today. I will be a magnificent mother and take the back seat - right between two wild and energy filled siblings.  We shall see what shape I am in by the time we reach Mt.  Rushmore.


Lucy and Ethel said...

Hope the birthday boy makes a QUICK recovery so you can get back to the front seat!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I hope he feels better soon.
Safe travels!

I Am Woody said...

Oh no! Hope he feels better soon!! I am SO looking forward to Mt. Rushmore:)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I am loving your family vacation. Sorry about the little sick one. Feel better soon. Mount Rushmore!!! WOW!

mom x 2 said...

Hope he feels better soon! Have fun :)

Mental P Mama said...

Yowza...hope he is better today. Safe trails.

One Photo said...

Oh I do hope the birthday boy recovers quickly and it is just a chill induced fever nothing worse. As for riding in the back with those two boys all day, you are such a wonderful mother to do so and give up your seat in front. I hope you survive :-)

Unknown said...

Oh no!!!!! I hope he is feeling better soon. I dream of taking the Cog Railway up to that peak one day. I wish it had been better for you. Be the back seat. I am praying for you all.

claudia said...

That's just not fair! Poor guy!
I hope your birthday boy gets better in a hurry.

Lawyer Mom said...

Awww. I hope he feels better soon.

And when he does, I'll tell admit I'm sooo jealous of your cool climate vacay. We're sweltering in my neck of the woods.