Friday, August 6, 2010

So much learning that my brain might explode

We learned a lot yesterday. We learned that Mt.  Rushmore is still as wondrous as it was 30 years ago.  We learned that it is cool to meet someone who was a Driller on the original project. We also learned that he wasn't nearly as nice when we didn't buy his book.

Our learning curve included understanding more about the Crazy Horse monument and the brilliant man who began the project.  It was very cool to be there during a blast.

We unwittingly scheduled our visit to the Black Hills at the beginning of the Sturgis Bike Week.  It's been fun watching the bikes,  and more fun watching the bikers.

Our worst learning experience of this visit was the chuckwagon dinner.  It might have been more affordable to buy our own ranch,  but yippee eye,  my boys would get to eat like cowboys and sing cowboy songs. I should have known the chuckwagon show would be a bust when the cowboys starting singing Eagles music and through in a little Glenn Miller for good measure. You know, just the typical trail music.

Dare we hope for a better experience at the Little House on the Prairie homestead tonight?


I Am Woody said...

Did you see my brother-in-law? He is at Sturgis:)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

What an awesome picture Caution!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The eagles? Glen miller???
Have fun!!

One Photo said...

Love the photo. The chuckwagon dinner sounds like a total rip-off. I hope Little House On The Prairie is better.

joanne said...

I for one, always think of the dusty trails when I hear Glenn Miller playing...

Lawyer Mom said...

The Chuck Wagon Diner, eh? Certainly doesn't sound pricey. Was the food at least decent?

The Little House on the Prairie trip sounds fun.

Mrs4444 said...

Well, if you had let me have you over for dinner, you'd get quite a treat (4444 Homestead, ya know!) We probably could have even sung for you! yikes.

Anonymous said...

What a road trip you guys are experiencing!

Tracie Nall said...

I surely hope that the Little House on the Prairie experience was The whole Eagles and Glen Miller thing is ca-ra-zy!