One day, after an interesting few hours subbing at the local elementary school, I came home to a quiet house and glanced at the list. There it was: the lone school I was NOT interested in pursuing. But I had been praying and asking the Lord for guidance in the decision process, and as I looked at that list, I felt compelled to call Wayne State University.
It was a nervous Kentucky girl who dialed those numbers and was greeted by a voice on the other end who promptly told me that I had been given the wrong number. I asked for the correct number, but the person I was speaking to said I couldn't hang up. "Tell me about you. Tell me about your background. Tell me about your educational dreams." I was puzzled and still a little nervous. After a few minutes, the voice boomed from the end, "Some people collect baseball cards. Some collect coins. You apparently collect master's degrees." I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or should laugh.
At the end of thirty minutes, the call ended and my mom walked in from her job as a high school guidance counselor. I announced, "I'm moving to Detroit and I'm going to study with a man named Dr. Martinez."
Within months, I was here - where I planned to earn my doctorate and then move to some exotic locale.
I got that doctorate. I'm still here twenty-something years later. And boy oh boy, did I ever get an education!
While you wait for the next riveting installment of this blog, go visit a few of my blogging friends:
Impressive and touching story.
You can't just leave me hanging there like this....meanie!!
Oh, this is riveting! What a life changing phone call...
I owe that man a BIG Thank You!!!
I joined in the Blog Hop Thursday fun with you...just so ya know.
Love ya.
What a story! Oh the interesting turns our lives take when we least expect them.
This is a sweet story. I look forward to further installments :)
Mr.4444 was my Detroit; he was cute and everything, but not nearly as dysfunctional as the kind of guy I was into. Good thing he waited for me to come to my senses!haha
Greetings and Salutations~!!
GFC following from Blog Hop Thursday *heavensent1*...ifn you have a moment, please stop by my place and have a look around ~ Mad Moose Mama ~ ~ Have yourself a gloriously groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo
I'm following you here too! You're very engaging and funny. I look forward to getting to know you!
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