Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Man Who Changed My Life, Part 1

When I decided to get a doctorate, I compiled a list of schools who offered the degree I wanted. There were approximately 20 schools and I began to research each school and dream a little about what life would be like there. I contacted each school - except for one. That school got moved to the very bottom of my list simply by virtue of its location. After all, who would voluntarily move to Detroit?

One day, after an interesting few hours subbing at the local elementary school, I came home to a quiet house and glanced at the list. There it was: the lone school I was NOT interested in pursuing. But I had been praying and asking the Lord for guidance in the decision process, and as I looked at that list, I felt compelled to call Wayne State University.

It was a nervous Kentucky girl who dialed those numbers and was greeted by a voice on the other end who promptly told me that I had been given the wrong number. I asked for the correct number, but the person I was speaking to said I couldn't hang up. "Tell me about you. Tell me about your background. Tell me about your educational dreams." I was puzzled and still a little nervous. After a few minutes, the voice boomed from the end, "Some people collect baseball cards. Some collect coins. You apparently collect master's degrees." I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or should laugh.

At the end of thirty minutes, the call ended and my mom walked in from her job as a high school guidance counselor. I announced, "I'm moving to Detroit and I'm going to study with a man named Dr. Martinez."

Within months, I was here - where I planned to earn my doctorate and then move to some exotic locale.

I got that doctorate. I'm still here twenty-something years later. And boy oh boy, did I ever get an education!

While you wait for the next riveting installment of this blog, go visit a few of my blogging friends: Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop


Evansmom said...

Impressive and touching story.

Unknown said...

You can't just leave me hanging there like this....meanie!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is riveting! What a life changing phone call...

Checkered.loves.Caution said...

I owe that man a BIG Thank You!!!

Unknown said...

I joined in the Blog Hop Thursday fun with you...just so ya know.

Love ya.

Cranberry Morning said...

What a story! Oh the interesting turns our lives take when we least expect them.

Mrs4444 said...

This is a sweet story. I look forward to further installments :)

Mr.4444 was my Detroit; he was cute and everything, but not nearly as dysfunctional as the kind of guy I was into. Good thing he waited for me to come to my senses!haha

Unknown said...

Greetings and Salutations~!!

GFC following from Blog Hop Thursday *heavensent1*...ifn you have a moment, please stop by my place and have a look around ~ Mad Moose Mama ~ ~ Have yourself a gloriously groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo

Create With Joy said...

I'm following you here too! You're very engaging and funny. I look forward to getting to know you!
