*My middle son did dress up for his brother's party, but was distraught on Sunday morning when he could NOT find his accessory just before we left for church. Hope springs eternal, however, because he FOUND it yesterday and another Sunday is right around the corner.
*At last count, I had more friends and acquaintances name Suzanne or Susan than any other name.
*My oldest son was part of a brass trio who a) got superior ratings for a competition last week and b) were invited to play at the elementary schools yesterday to recruit the incoming 6th graders for band. I had
*Following the tour of elementary schools, the band director, guidance counselor, and principal all took the trio to McDonalds for breakfast and I thought that was uber cool. They did NOT invite me to go with them, however.
*My daughter told me all about a poop dryer her friend has. I could NOT understand my daughter's fascination until about 10 minutes later when I figured out that she had said, "Boot" dryer.
*No. I do NOT need a hearing aid, but that does remind me of how my nephew once asked for a hearing aid for Christmas. I think he was being a bit of smarty pants. He didn't know whether to be horrified or delighted when his grandfather made sure Santa delivered an old hearing aid on Christmas morning.
*And lastly, I have learned that boxers canNOT wear earrings, and thus ends any threat of me getting into boxing. Let all hearts rest more easily.

In order to assuage your disappointment from that last fragment, go visit Mrs. 4444's. She has an unlimited measure of energy and Green Bay enthusiasm.
There is always something fun going on in your house!!!
I love your Friday Fragments.
Well, it's a good sign that he can tell the difference between tuning and playing. LOL
Your home should come with a 'laugh' warning. Thanks for all the smiles.
{boy, do young men grow facial hair earlier these days or what???}
What is a boot dryer for? boots? Are boots like flip flops with closed toes?? :)
I only know one other Suzanne. But lets not forget, I am an original. :)
Have a great weekend.
The poop dryer reminds me of an episode of myth busters where they were trying to determine whether you could polish poop. Don't ask me why. And don't ask me if you can. I had to turn the channel. Just couldn't handle it.
I convinced both my children not to have birthday parties this year... I'm not sure it saved me any money, as one went to Stars on Ice and the other to a pro football game instead, but it felt like a coup and saved me a lot of stress!
At our church, the name Theresa is like, ridiculously common. It's a very small church and we have Theresas, Thereses, a Terez, and some Teris. Crazy!
I see that you are interested in pictures of England! Have you checked out my blog yet?
Every day I post photographs of glorious vistas, charming close-ups, videos, recipes, and interesting tidbits of life in Great Britain for the pleasure of Anglophiles and photo-enthusiasts everywhere
Oh, dear. I had your green and gold boxing shorts all ready for you, too. Oh, well...
Loved the band stories :)
No boxing for you, huh? Me either. Too bad, I'd be perfect, I never wear earrings!
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