~We had a spring day, and it's amazing what warmer weather will evoke. My boys were outside for hours wearing only shorts. The water guns were blazing, the basketballs were missing the net with abandon, and the trampoline was back in use. There is no happier music anywhere.
~I was glad my boys were outside because I was heartily singing, "S & M". I love the music but the lyrics?? Would it have been too much for her to sing about m&m's instead so I could sing it in public?
~This week has been my spring break and I've not accomplished much, but I am in a purging mood now, so watch out kitchen. I'm about to reclaim some cabinet space. I keep repeating, "If I haven't used it during the last year..."
~There are teachers whose style I don't want to emulate: my child is struggling with math class. Child always does the homework. Child asks us for help. Child works with tutor. Child has lost sleep over the the class. Parents have had conferences with teacher. Yesterday the teacher told the class that anyone with a low grade was obviously making no effort. Did we miss something there???
~Have you seen the barn door style used as interior sliding doors?
~I LOVELOVELOVE barn motifs, and have spent years lobbying for barn lights in my house. Checkered hasn't budged on his refusal. I'm thinking I might back off the lighting request in a ploy to get those doors. Who says collective bargaining no longer thrives here?

~Here's a not-so-lovely factoid: of all the American jobs lost in the last decade, 50% were Michigan jobs.
~And now, because warmer weather calls for changes...
...I've never colored my hair myself but today is THE day. Any hints ?
~Here are two places you must visit: Mrs. 4444's, of course, and my friend Susan. (At Susan's blog, click the post title to bring up the comments page.) When you see Susan, please thank her for enduring my incessant chatter during our sons' karate class.
You know what I love? Old mill fire doors as doors. They also have that rolling hardware that's so cool.
Hey. Your Barn Door is open...
LOL at Checkered!!
I too love the barn doors; gorgeous.
Glad you are getting some spring weather...it is good for the soul!
Stinky about THAT teacher!!!
S & M? I had no idea. :)
Don't try to color your eyebrows=)
I don't think it warm enough for water guns yet but hey if they don't mind being chilled more power to them.
Interesting doors - the method of hanging them I guess is why they are called barn doors but that would be one hell of nice barn. What are barn lights? I truly don't have a clue.
I want a fire place... :)
I would LOVE spring weather! I think we're headed for another rain/snow storm this weekend...
Ah....we too are loving the warmer weather. I love seeing my kids' skinny toothpick legs stick out of their shorts. After seeing them in sweatpants all winter, it's just oo cute!
That is really too bad about your child's teacher. Sounds like you all are doing everything you can do to help your child be successful...as a former teacher, I would say I'd have to ask myself if there was something I could do differently to help this child. Good luck!
I'd keep petitioning for those doors. Aren't they beautiful!
Good luck with the DIY hair project. :-)
Your blog is SO cheery and springy!
It was my pleasure! I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation :)
I attacked my kitchen cabinets last week. Still found it hard to let go of a few things. Maybe I should go back with the "haven't used it in a year" rule.
I would totally listen to you sing about M&Ms. But then I might have to eat you.
Those doors are gorgeous! I love the spring look of your blog...
I am extremely upset by the whole teacher mess right now. Some of them are just bad and there is nothing any one can do. It is such a shame for the many, many good teachers out there. They do not even realize they are being used by a union that has spent all of their money.
Hopefully the folks in Michigan will study the history of why all of the jobs were lost and who was in charge...
Okay enough soap box; did I tell you I just love the springtime look of your blog?
Love the barn sliders! Now I want some.
Doing your own hair is easy....If you are sticking to the same color as before, do the roots first and comb through the last ten minutes.
Woody is right, stay away from the eyebrows! I have ugly documentation if you have any doubts.
Ditto on what Grandma j said. I always color my own hair. I like Loreal colors. It's easier for me to apply the liquid color than the cream. Just my experience.
We are warm too and rejoicing. I like rock songs too and know what you mean about lyrics. But there is nothing like Queen singing Fat Bottomed Girls to make me get my house work done!! and dance while I do it.
Life is good.
The doors are gorgeous in the right setting. I think the house in that picture is too small for them. You need tall ceilings and a large room. I'd love a big barn style home but I am practicing being thankful for this home. My debate with my Hunny has always been screening in the carport. It's been 10 years and he hasn't budged.
LOL....I hope you get those doors; I love them!
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