Monday, April 25, 2011


Spring comes to Detroit...

...and all is well.


betty said...

beautiful flower!! glad all is well!


Busy Bee Suz said...

Finally...I just can't believe it takes you so long to catch up to we are in SUMMER.

Nancy said...

Awwww, daffodils are so cheery. Glad this one bloomed for you! Thanks for stopping by A Rural Journal and commenting. I truly appreciate it! :)

Julie said...

You're ahead of us, they are just poking out of the ground here. Soon though.
When Mike brought home his puppy 3 weeks ago we were afraid Jim would just have a cow and hate her, I guess Mr. Hard as Steel is as soft as a marshmallow your puppy loves because she's in his lab as much as ours.
After driving truck for 10 years, yes an indoor toilet that is all mine is wonderful. Some of those out there in the big world are not for human use even though someone thinks they are.
Happy belated birthday to your not so little one. Mine turned 19 this past March. Time flies way to fast, WAY TO FAST!!!
I love the picture of you and yours at Cabella's. Looks just our store in Mpls.
Thanks for stopping by my friend. You take care and have a blessed afternoon.

Cranberry Morning said...

Boy, that is exactly how I feel. Spring hit NW Wisconsin TODAY. It's warm and sunny, a wonderful day. Congratulations!!

Laura~peach~ said...

had to go back and read your question and my post several times before finally laughing and getting it... SLOW DOWN YOUR READING.... THE VEGETABLES are planted in STRAW BALES... in hopes of providing better nutrition and water to the plants... the bales BREAKDOWN SLOW and RETAIN water in the desert known as GEORGIA in summer but I have read they work anywhere... and with my knee and back hopefully a bit less stress on the old body.... LOL...
its an experiment the we are trying this year to see if we can actually get more than one tomato ect LOL.
love you caution you made me laugh today!

joanne said...

can you please send it here? waiting...waiting...waiting...

Unknown said...

Sometimes when it's late, it's worth it.

Mental P Mama said...


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Woot! Love the new look too!