Friday, July 15, 2011

Only a few weeks until the next trip :(

Finally!  Something good about camping:


Busy Bee Suz said...

I know YOU don't like it...but your family does. And they will always have these wonderful memories of Mom camping. (and not liking it. :))

Cranberry Morning said...

I bet if your kids did all the organizing and packing to go camping and then all the organizing and repacking to go home and then all the cleaning out and the laundry and folding and putting'd like camping a little better. Kids are oblivious to the fact that all that fun is a LOT OF WORK!

Have a cherry nut ice cream cone for me. It will help you survive the ordeal. :-)

Lucy and Ethel said...

You know, if you were to come HERE, you could stay in the cabin while the others camped just down the road - literally :)

Just sayin'....


Laura~peach~ said...

make those memories you will all cherish them one day! and the ice cream looks wonderful! love hubby trying to sneak a lick!!

Kelli Nørgaard said...

I love that you got in the pic!! We moms tend to be left out!! :-) Glad it was a FUN trip!

Kim Bee said...

Found you on the over 40 page. Thought I'd pop by and say hello. Feel free to pop by if you get a chance. Kim

Unknown said...

I scream, you scream we all scream for Ice Cream!

Mrs4444 said...

Funny--I looked for a "like" button :)

Mental P Mama said...

I spy the 2011 Christmas Card shot!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Wait a minute... my camping trips have never included ice cream...

I agree with MP, I smell a Christmas card!