Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spread the word: I'm sexy!

Someone to whom I am apparently married is a non-reader.  I mean, he knows how to read, but would never choose to spend his free time doing so.  Accordingly, he thinks this is the funniest bumper sticker ever.

Ha! Ha!!  Do you hear him laughing? Oh, that is a FANTASTICALLY humorous little joke !!!  Pass me a tissue so I can wipe my eyes because I am laughing so hard!

And if, per chance, I don't laugh until I cry from the "humor" of this bumper sticker, I may use this tissue to freshen up a bit.  You see,  reading IS sexy, and that idea just might make me the sexiest person in this marriage.

Wait!! I apologize, sweet husband.  What we need is a bumper sticker that reflects the truth.  How about:

"Husbands who get their wives a mocha frappe before church and happen to see a little bumper sticker on the way to McDonalds are incredibly sexy, too. "


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Love your bumper sticker.

Laura~peach~ said...

oh wow i am sexy too!!! :)

Susan Anderson said...

Always knew I was sexier than the average girl.


Unknown said...

Sexy is as sexy does!

Mental P Mama said...


Kelli Nørgaard said...

If that bumper sticker has any truth to it, I am going to be the next Victoria's secret model!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I actually think that bumper sticker is hilarious too.
Getting your wife her coffee in the morning is uber sexy!!!!

Mrs4444 said...

Wait a minute. I'm hung up on the fact that you are "apparently" married. Did you just find out?heehee