Friday, September 23, 2011

Seriously? Caution's blogging!

**Most every day I think about writing a blog post, and then decide that I don't have much to write about.  I'm trying to expand my little world so that I'm more interesting. For example, this morning I am attending a health team fair for our elementary school.  WHOA!!!  Now you can be sure that the excitement index on this blog will explode !!

**Have you heard  the song, "Teenage Daughters" ??  There are a couple of perfect lines in it :
"My baby's growin' up, she thinks she's fallin' all in love, and that I hate her."
"She rolls her eyes when I'm funny, but she's sweet when she wants money and her freedom."

**I sooo very much love these chairs.

  I want two for my front porch, but my porch is littered with the cast-offs of my other chair dreams.  Of course, when I buy these I will turn them right side up.  That's where Blogger and differ.

**The newish governor of Michigan has done some good things for our state, but he now wants to have our children's BMI numbers recorded at the state level.  No. No!  NO!!  Leave that between my family and our doctor!

**We will soon be leaving a truck as our main vehicle and the only sad family member is Checkered.  Perhaps that is because he doesn't have to travel like this:

**See this memo?  So did everyone else who walked by the mailboxes at work.

**I just finished the slightly enigmatic , somewhat trite, and fairly sweet novel, Lost and Found by Jacqueline Sheehan. Next on the list is The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  The Nook is charging even as I type. 

Speaking of electronic readers, children in my sons' classes are now bringing them to school to use during free reading time.  Since I would like to own mine a little longer than a minute, I think my boys will continue to take paperbacks.

Mommy's Idea

Friday, September 9, 2011

All the world's a fragmented thought...

After weeks of lackluster and intermittent blogging, I have returned to Friday Fragments - only to learn from Blogger's new interface that I have not earned one penny from this blog.  That is only slightly more than I earn at my jobs.

  • Greatly related to the previous sentence: the school year has begun and all is temporarily well.  On the first day of Spanish class, a student was bragging to my daughter that she already knew one Spanish word.  The word was aloha.

  • Have you tried this mint water?  I think I like it.  There is also a chocolate mint version, but it is ALWAYS sold out at my Kroger store. 

  • I've been listening to all the news warnings that unoccupied cars will be towed in certain areas in an attempt to thwart a terrorist attack.  Being the driver who must tow those suspicious cars is a job I would not want.

  • In another international warning, don't play Kelli Norgaard in Words with Friends.  She just played an 85 point word against me.  I am intimidated by all you smart people!!  Don't I have any dumb-ish friends who want to play?

  • Aren't you delighted that it's Friday?  I am, but I do wish I had looked down before I left the house this morning.

  • See you all on Monday!!

Mommy's Idea