When Pepper joined our family last week, we worried about her self-concept and esteem. After all, she was told by the Big City Humane Society that she was a large dog. (Does 10 pounds at 3 months count as large?) And she was told that she is a black Lab. We are still looking for that Lab drop of blood in her.
So we wondered what would happen when she came home and met the crazy puppy from next door. Would that same crazy puppy tease our little mis-labeled dog? Would that neighbor who specializes in digging under the fence and barking incessantly and biting her owner be cruel to our mystery pedigree Pepper?
Well, here's how it works:
The neighbor dog runs outside several times a day and waits patiently for Pepper to be forced outside. Then the neighbor dog playfully calls to Pepper,
And the neighbor dog prances and jumps and puts her paw through the fence so Pepper can chew on it.

And once in a great while, Pepper deigns to be nice to the neighbor dog and sends her a text message. Sometimes, she actually says,"Hi," to the neighbor dog when they pass in the halls at school. And one time Pepper even smiled at the neighbor dog even though there was a cute guy nearby. And the neighbor dog is so happy and grateful because for a few seconds a day, she gets to be Pepper's BFF.
Pepper's self-esteem is coming along nicely, thank-you.

So we wondered what would happen when she came home and met the crazy puppy from next door. Would that same crazy puppy tease our little mis-labeled dog? Would that neighbor who specializes in digging under the fence and barking incessantly and biting her owner be cruel to our mystery pedigree Pepper?
Well, here's how it works:
The neighbor dog runs outside several times a day and waits patiently for Pepper to be forced outside. Then the neighbor dog playfully calls to Pepper,
"Please, Pep, will you run the fence with me? Please, please, Pepper, I'll let you snack on my untrimmed long grass if you will just sit with me at lunch acknowledge that I'm alive."
And the neighbor dog prances and jumps and puts her paw through the fence so Pepper can chew on it.
And once in a great while, Pepper deigns to be nice to the neighbor dog and sends her a text message. Sometimes, she actually says,"Hi," to the neighbor dog when they pass in the halls at school. And one time Pepper even smiled at the neighbor dog even though there was a cute guy nearby. And the neighbor dog is so happy and grateful because for a few seconds a day, she gets to be Pepper's BFF.
Pepper's self-esteem is coming along nicely, thank-you.

Aw, such an adorable post. You make me smile every time I stop by to visit. I love that I found you!
all in good time!!! adorable pictures!
So glad Pepper has a friend
OMG! Pepper and I went to the same middle school!
Pepper seems to be coming along so nicely. Hopefully not picking up the neighbor dogs bad habits. Hehehe.
I want that puppy! Too cute!
That's a puppy? Looks good sized to me. Teaching the social skills at a young age...
awwww...how cute! I love those pictures ;)
How funny that Pepper is totally in control of the big dog's world. I love it.
Oh, I love dogs and this post is great!
That is such a great picture at the end there. What a great post!
I had a GREAT dog named Pepper as a child. Your Pepper looks just as wonderful.
My chihuahua is the same way. She humors our neighbor dogs for a good 10 minutes or so and then trots off, happy as a lark, and they stand up on the fence and wonder what the heck just happened.
Cute photos! Sounds like Pepper is adjusting well to new surroundings. Its such fun to watch dogs interact with each other.
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