Friday, September 26, 2008

Caution! At the Wheel

I was sick last week. Sick, as in staring blandly at students as they asked questions, and then replying from a long tunnel,
"I'm sorry. Did you say something?"
And I survived anyway.
By Friday, I was much recovered and ventured to the grocery store. I had a shopping list, and that shock alone should have killed me. I also had a time limit and was running a bit shy, but I knew the express lines for 12 items or less are fast.
So don't ask me why I had 33 items in my cart, but I did. Things were fine until I rounded aisle 10 and ran smack-dab right into the end of another cart. I was to blame. I was on the wrong side of the road. If the grocery store had a traffic cop, I would have gotten the ticket and maybe a ride to the station.
I apologized! The other driver shopper was very nice and we went our separate ways. I berated myself for the length of the aisle and rounded the corner --
only to be stuck head-on by the same woman. I assume no blame for that one.

But I did quickly unload most of my items so I could get into the express line and out of that store before the news stations showed up to profile me.
I don't know if I can shop there again.


Unknown said...

When my x was in the Navy and I would go to the commissary with 5 small ones in tow, I always ended up going in the wrong direction down the aisles...yes, they had direction markers....I have a few grocery store collision stories actually. I am glad you suffered no injuries and that no one got arrested!!! Have a great weekend!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

BAHAHAHAHA This sounds like something I would do. Everyone survived so I think you are okay:)

Karen said...

That sounds exactly like one of my days. Sorry.

Mental P Mama said...

I feel your pain. We have a store where everyone has to go the same way. I always forget something and have to backtrack. You cannot imagine the looks I get.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to run into another cart when you are rounding the corner at the grocery store. You get all into a grocery daze - trying to remember what you are supposed to be picking up. Afraid you are going to forget that one crucial item and your family will be all "WHERE'S THE ICE CREAM? HOW COULD YOU FORGET OUR ICE CREAM?"

Not that it's ever happened to me.

Debbie said...

You have had some good stories in the last few days! Thanks so much for being such a great sport about yesterday. It was loads of fun for me and because it was such a hit, we will be having more suprise layovers in the future!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I used to hate having to go to school and teach while sick! That's the worst because it's not like you can just sit at a desk and veg with paperwork - you are RESPONSIBLE for kids.

Unknown said...

Peta people...that was halarious!!! you never stop making me laugh and that is one of the many reasons why I love visiting with you!!!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

HA green thumb indeed... we stuck the sticks into the ground... they grow and bloom then we cut them down and they come back the next year... Me thinks God just gives me a little present :)

Lauren W said...

Ha! Oh dear, that's so something that I would do... I'm always creating awkward situations... I'm glad you're getting better, though :)

Ronnica said...

You're a menace to society! Breaking grocery store "laws" left and right...

Give us fair warning before you head to the store again, okay?

Mrs4444 said...

Glad you're feeling better...

Kathi Roach said...

Ha! Hilarious!! Two crashes into the same lady! What are the chances? Just stopping by from BATW. Have a great weekend!