Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One of the Reasons I Blog

See this dish?
See the crumbs?
That is all that remains of dinner last Wednesday.
What, you ask, could prompt the picky family incarnate to eat the entire meal?
Thank-you, Miss Marlene.
Now, what's for dinner this week?
She just posted what's for dinner this week. I promise you, when I get rich, rich, rich I am hiring Marlene to cook for me. Do you hear that, Marlene? With those new tax cuts sure to come my way, you may be moving to Michigan sooner than you think !


Unknown said...

OMG...I am so glad you guys enjoyed it!!! It is delish and easy and "just to keep it real"...I am all about some good and easy.

I will get right on that recipe for you!!!

Marlene {{{Big Hugs}}}

Mental P Mama said...

Did you lose my phone number?

Pancake said...

Hey Girlfriend! What no recipe for the rest of us??? PLEASE share!

Dr.John said...

Well I always did love empty plates.

MsTypo said...

Ditto McEwens! I want the recipe too! :)

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Even the CRUMBS look tasty!

Anonymous said...

NOOOOO! Marlene HAS to stay in Virginia with us!! How else will I be able to go and eat dinner with her two or three nights per week??? (Can't believe I missed the pork chops!)