Friday, September 4, 2009

FF: THIS IS the longest ff ever

THIS IS Friday, so it's time for Mrs. 4's and Sara to host my jumbled thoughts. They really could be my newest BFF's for doing that.

THIS IS Marlene. She told me I could steal her Facebook image and post it here any time I wanted. I would have loved her even if she had said I couldn't.

THIS IS Hallie and she never said I could steal her FB image. I am, however, going to be a guest on her someday cooking show. She specializes in cereal for dinner. I've branched out to instant oatmeal.

THIS IS Jennifer. She gets more done by sunrise than the Army does. She is also a fantabulous photographer - though she refers to herself as just a farmhand. If, in three summers from now, she isn't the official Obama family photographer, we may well take a ride to Virginia so she can take my daughter's senior pix.

THIS IS my niece. Oh, how I love this girl! We are the only two lefties in the family, and she really gets literature. She also talks to me on FB. That's brave considering how old I am.

THIS IS Jeannelle. I think that if I put her picture on this blog every.single.week she will eventually give in and come visit me -- even if just to forcibly make me stop posting her picture.

THIS IS my dad, Checkered's father-in-law, and grandpa to a whole slew of kids. We're going to help him blow out a few birthday candles this week-end.

THIS IS a picture of two of my children getting ready to walk Pepper.

THIS IS how their brother dressed to walk with them through the neighborhood.

And THIS IS Pepper giving her valedictory address. We were shocked to learn that she's not such a great reader! That may well change where she goes to grad school.


Unknown said...

Well, what a shock it was to see my face in your post!! took the one shocking photo of me, when I chopped off all my hair for a point...which I can now not remember.

Awww, I love you so much...and will forever more.

LOVE Pepper's graduation photo!!

Decadent Housewife said...

Congratulations to Pepper.
Happy Birthday to your father.
Have a great Labour Day weekend. Or do you guys do that?

Sara Elizabeth said...

What a fun FF! It looks like you have a lot of awesome people in your life. Congrats to Pepper! I love that. Too cute.

I Am Woody said...

Marlene is one of my most favorite people! Tell Pepper Congrats and Happy Birthday to Dad!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this. I love Pepper even if she can't read. Your kids are funny. I love funny kids.
Happy Birthday to your Dad. Love that you share other peoples pictures without their knowledge. I suppose if they don't like you, they will press charges. I hope they like you.

Mango Girl said...

Happy Birthday to your father!

Congrats on the Doggy Graduation.

The picture of the young'un in the get he fearful of swine flu?

won said...

Thank goodness for Checkered and the camera....

and all your friends.

Finally, I get to know the real popular girl!

brainella said...

Way to go Pepper! :-)

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Sue you??? This is GREAT PUBLICITY for our future show!! Plus, I don't HATE that pic so all is good!! We need a catchy title for our show, btw.

Hallie :)

LadyFi said...

Hilarious about Pepper! I think she can read, but humans just don't understand her yet!

Mental P Mama said...

Those are some wonderful folks you got there;)

Mary Ellen said...

Congratulations to Pepper and Happy Birthday to your dad.

I am loving the walk-around-the-neighborhood outfit. That kid has got some seriously creative fashion sense. And for the record, I think a cape is the must-have piece this season.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Great FF! Way to go Pepper! And those them!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Way to go Pepper!!! Too funny...I love it!

MrsSki said...

I love the outfit to walk the dog...totally cracks me up!

Happy Birthday to your dad!

I hope you have a great weekend!

Claudya Martinez said...

Pepper looks so smart.

The Caped Walking Outfit is very fashion forward.

betty said...

happy birthday to your dad!!

enjoy your weekend :)


mub said...

I love the dog walking costume!

Tipper said...

I love your sense of humor-a good start to my saturday.

(not sure if the previous post about school makes me want to laugh or cry-oh my goodness!!!!!)

Stacy Uncorked said...

You have some awesome people in your life, don't you? ;)

Pepper looks so smart! Bet he can read, he just doesn't want you to know yet - gotta sandbag some of the talent, y'know! ;)

LOVE the ninja-like walking outfit! :)

Happy FF a day late! Happy Birthday to your dad! :)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

What a cute barka-valadictorian!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Jeannelle said...

Oh, I love Pepper in her white mortarboard. I don't love my pic but loved meeting you that day. Happy birthday to your father-in-law!

Mrs4444 said...

I loved this! The tone of your commentary was wonderful. Yea, Pepper!! Happy B-day, Grandpa! :)

BTW, yesterday, I read a hilarious comment that you wrote somewhere, and I planned to come over and compliment your brilliance specifically, but I can't remember which post it was or what you said, now. It's the thought that counts,though, right?

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Congats Pepper!!!!